Angela Sasser

Dreaming Butterfly
Dreaming Butterfly by @ladydove7 (Angela Sasser)

"Was I simply a woman dreaming she was a butterfly... or a butterfly dreaming she was dead..."

This is a depiction of a character of my own creation. Her name is Aurora Adonai, a cybernetically enhanced elf with a tortured history. She exists in the world of the future, where magic returns to mix with technology producing astounding creatures such as she. Currently this is the cover to a graphic novel I'm working on which illustrates her past.

Colored in Prismacolor Pencils

Teen (V)
Finished Work
20y175d ago
Other Work By @ladydove7

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 31 December, 2003 @ 01:08 PM

what a truly lovely oringal piece of art work. You have made the colors rich and vibrant, all without the use of computer CG media. That, in itself, is a rare and enviable gift. I think this image carries just the correct emotion to it, and its very well chosen in subject matter. The hair, in particular, I admire. you've done a wonderful job of blending contrasting shades of color. Just don't let certain parts of Aurora seperate from the rest of her, her lips almost get a little floaty. Other than that, fantastic. I look forward to seeing your work in the future.

Posted: Wednesday, 31 December, 2003 @ 01:22 PM

Thank you for the lovely comment. It's funny that while most people were big on digital, I was back working in traditional mediums..and now that people are starting to get tired of CG, I'm working on perfecting my CG art. My newer stuff (this pic is from two years ago) is almost all CG, but I do hope it inspires a reaction such as this piece has for you. I did the angle of her face completely without a reference, so some parts of it look iffy, but I'm glad it all comes together in the end. Thanks for commenting!

Posted: Wednesday, 31 December, 2003 @ 01:32 PM

This is a truly amazing piece of art, definetly cover-worthy. I wish you all the luck in the world finishing your graphic novel!

I'm really most impressed by the way you captured the empty, dead look in her eyes, like she's not really there--reminds me of a line from a Dreamside song "you will find me/ under the willow tree/ I might be dead.../ or just thinking, like always" The expression makes me wonder if she is dead or dreaming. The quote suits it so very well!

The coloring job is absolutely astonishing. The blue highlighting on the lineart is really a great touch, it makes this picture really seem to glow. The rest of the colors and highlights are excellent, especially on her hair.

Although the blood seems shiny, I don't like that it is outlined in black. It seems to make it a little less 3D than the rest of the art. that's the only thing about this picture that I'm not absolutely amazed by--your lines are really beautiful with the way they flow. So, once again, good luck!

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