Lissa B. Treiman

love the mongoose.... i command you!
love the mongoose.... i command you! by @LissaBT (Lissa B. Treiman)

so... finally. here it is...

no, not the mongoose. silly. after all my years of swearing i was working (even when i wasn't) and promising i'd get it done... here it finally is! The very first issue of 14 , my comic-in-progress for five years now. check it out. i'm too lazy to upload all 7 pages (my computer's really slow, adding to the already existing slowness of side7), so i made a cleared out a little web-space and built them a home, complete with 'amusing' commentary :)

the mongoose loves you... dont' you want to show him you care?

(for a backstory on the making and developement of 14, check out my live journal --> avorpalllama ... i think it's my March 23 entry.) (14 was made with: micron pens, lotsa paper, digital text and clean-up, sweat, blood, tears... well, not so much blood... and an un-due ammount on complaining on my part. oh my, yes...) Artwork © Copyright 2003 Lissa B. Treiman

Finished Work
21y162d ago
Other Work By @LissaBT

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