Lissa B. Treiman

A is for Ambisinister
A is for Ambisinister by @LissaBT (Lissa B. Treiman)

This is the first part of an alphabet series I have recently completed. Now, there are 26 of these... it would take me forever and a day to upload them all here. you can see 'em on my deviantart site, or view them together in all their splendiforous majesty here!. (my side7 account really tends to feel the brunt of my laziness, huh?) at any rate, without further adue, i give you the first letter of the Depraved and Insulting ABCs!

Ambisinister; adj. : Literally meaning "posessing two left hands", it is used to describe one who is oafish or clumsy. not exactly the most disturbing way to start out my project (detailed below).. but... lookit him! he's got two left hands! ..... the freak....

This past hannukah, I received the most delightful gift… a dictionary compiling all the depraved and insulting words in the english language into one book for the convinience of insane little wierdos like myself … …. It’s a beautiful thing
so I took it upon myself, as a sort of hommage to the authors of said book, to create my own visual rendition, taking one word for each letter of the alphabet to give you: (the soon to be re-titled) Depraved and Insulting ABCs.

A note: choosing just one word was at times very difficult… for the sake of what little public grace I have left (heheheh) I chose some of the less vulgar (although hopefully more unusual) words in the book… If you have the means, I highly recommend picking the book up for yourself.

(all source material from “Words to Offend and Amuse: Depraved and Insulting English” by Peter Novobatzky and Ammon Shea)

(micron pen, acrylic) Artwork © Copyright 2003 Lissa B. Treiman

Teen (L)
Finished Work
21y145d ago
Other Work By @LissaBT

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 17 April, 2003 @ 01:57 AM

thats just great, is this yet a book?


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