Megan Casey

Mistress Luve
Mistress Luve by @paradox (Megan Casey)

A semi-Quick pencil sketch. Started out just as a sketchy drawing of Luve's head/face, and it sort of morphed into that. Originally, it was going to becoem a dark ballerina, but I did the body too small, and erased it, and instead it turned into this! I'm not going to ink it, but I am gonna colour it, probably with those billion year old german Faber-Castell Polychromes...

ah...I had done her wings, but I screwed up on one, and no matter how many times I tried, I couldn't fix it....so, I got mad and erased them... meh ~_~ Artwork © Copyright 2002 Megan Casey

21y359d ago
Other Work By @paradox

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 08 August, 2002 @ 09:33 PM

bwahahaha....this looks so crappy...bask in the mixture of sh!t drawing and bad scanning...

Posted: Thursday, 08 August, 2002 @ 09:51 PM

yes. I do enjoy replying to my own comments, thankyou! XP ^_^

Posted: Friday, 09 August, 2002 @ 08:13 AM

Gah! You made Luve the best damn ballerina ever hugs Thank you, it looks so cute ^_^

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