Julie Ottosen

I'm not evil, just misunderstood
I'm not evil, just misunderstood by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

This is a picture I made of my lupess Pruedence. (neoname: Brainylupe, Prue sounds better..) I decided to change her look, since she's just a plain ol fire lupe, and give her wings, but not just ordinary bat wings, or feathered wings, but transparent wings!! Wee!! I was going to give her dragonfly wings, but I like these better... hehe. I also gave her white flames, cuz it seems ppl like to change the color of the flames. THe most popular is blue and pink, and usually the blue is with a white pelt. I've never seen white flames, and a friend of mind already did a purple flamed.. and I know someone with green... and so yeah, I wasn't left with many options.. lol. But, I was thinking of her having a white pelt with black flames, that'd be cool, but I like white flames against black better, darker and all..

She's not evil at all. I just barely changed her to this, but she is dark natured. hehe. I like this picture a lot.

Oh, and I adapted my old paws w/ my new paws, so it's a mix, and I think it looks purty good. ^^

((I'm sick of stupid comments like "this sux" just because certain ppl are stupid and jealous. I will delete all comments that say that sort of thing. I'm sick of being disrespected... ¬¬))

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Julie Young

Finished Work
21y315d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (26)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 09 August, 2002 @ 03:44 PM

Go you! Just delete..heh...I really like your Dark-Natured pets for some reason, and this has to be my favorite! Hey~ I wanted to tell you that my mom has msn and I'll add ya to that, ok?

Posted: Friday, 09 August, 2002 @ 03:56 PM

Nice pic. I like Prue's wings and the expression on her face. Good job!

Posted: Friday, 09 August, 2002 @ 04:15 PM

This is soooo neato! Mwahahahahaha! Yer style has changed some, and.. I... LOVE IT! WEHE! Lord i'm twitchin' again... lol. Well, keep it up girly, hope to see ya soon. looks around and puts picture in pocket lalalala.. runs

Posted: Friday, 09 August, 2002 @ 04:17 PM

Wow!!She look mystic but beautiful.Great job

Posted: Friday, 09 August, 2002 @ 08:04 PM

oh geez your art sucks and you cant even be bothered replying to things people say to you your so aragent. i really hate people like you.

Posted: Friday, 01 November, 2002 @ 04:57 PM

I'm arrogant? Geez, what is your problem? I'm sorry if you don't like my art, but you don't have to assume I'm something when I'm not. I'm only replying to this because I really am tired of ppl like you. Making stupid comments like this. Why don't you go do something more useful with your time besides ripping on other ppl? And that's really nice you that //hate// me, cuz you don't even know me. How can you hate me? Geez, I don't hate you... I'm just bothered by you, but I'll get over it. Why can't you just learn to say something constructive instead of just "your art sux", gee, that's helpful....

Get a life...

Oh, and how the hell am I suppose to reply to you if you don't give me a real email address... at least that would be an honorable thing to do. Coming in and flaming me, then running off w/out a trace, real cute... coward.

Again, get a life.

Posted: Saturday, 10 August, 2002 @ 01:23 AM

JOOLIE hehe this is PREETEEFULS...whoa its late/early its like 12:25 am and stuff hehe i like piccer a lotsa TEEHEE im hyper cuz i just watches LOTR again I LOVE LEGOLAS EHEHEHEHEHEHE*falls down* well i think im spending too much time commenting soooooo TTYL JULIE BYEBYES

Posted: Saturday, 10 August, 2002 @ 03:47 AM

Awwww! How AWSOME! This is THE coolest piccy! ^_^ lol! Thats kinda like Gimpy, He's not /that/ evil he's dark natured... Tho he dose kinda wanna take over the world a lil bit ~.^ but who dosent rite? lol! XD Anyway... She is too koo! This is the most creative style of a fire lupe I've seen!

Posted: Saturday, 10 August, 2002 @ 01:58 PM

Ooooooo i like this the most!It reminds me of my lupe Correttie2...but he's evil....

Posted: Saturday, 10 August, 2002 @ 05:18 PM

Awesome Julie!!! Very , very , very cool. =D You art just keeps amazing me!

Posted: Saturday, 10 August, 2002 @ 11:07 PM

I think your work is great and anyone who critize it is obviously jealous or has low taste. You will always get these kinds of remarks no matter what you do. I should know since I'am too a artist. Keep up the good work and I will look for to more in the future.

Posted: Monday, 12 August, 2002 @ 01:01 PM

This pic is really great! I like that tattoo thingy on Prue's foot.

Posted: Tuesday, 13 August, 2002 @ 06:52 PM

very beautiful. i just dont favour the color of the wings, i know it says they are transparent but the greeny color is icky

Posted: Wednesday, 14 August, 2002 @ 12:04 PM

OMG! I love the white flames! Yes, it's true, blue flames with white pelt are quite common :( Even I have one like that lol!

Posted: Saturday, 17 August, 2002 @ 10:54 PM

I love this pic! But there's one thing I hate, and no offense and all: The wing color. It doesn't fit any of the other colors, and it makes the pic off balance. But I LOVE everything else!!

Posted: Sunday, 25 August, 2002 @ 08:25 AM

i love your art Julie, and these ppl who don't, get out more! these are great! my lupe now has silver flames, a bit like white, opposite to these. not to be picky or anything, but i think sometimes on your pictures, the shoulders are sticking up too much, i can under stand it here with the wings. i'm gonna stop now before you get annoyed at me. i have a small gallery, and any comments, questions compliments are welcome via neomail ;) http://www.art-community.com/artwork.asp?artid=jet3270 keep up the good work Julie!

Posted: Wednesday, 28 August, 2002 @ 09:56 AM

big eyesOh...I just love your pics..How do you do lupes so well?

Posted: Saturday, 31 August, 2002 @ 12:01 PM

WOWEE! It's prettyful! Ya know, Fire (Fireball0001000), my Lupe, has a White pelt with Black flames...no wings tho...I can't draw wings well -.-' Welp, aaanywho...Keep up da good drawing!

Posted: Thursday, 05 September, 2002 @ 12:05 AM

WOW!! this is really great!

Posted: Tuesday, 01 October, 2002 @ 08:02 PM

Hey, great work Julie! To all those people who say it sucks, !@#$ off!

Posted: Thursday, 10 October, 2002 @ 09:54 PM
I LUVVVVVVVVVVV THIS ONE: ) She kinda reminds meh of meh pet Star:) And I totaly agree with you...flamers are just total idiots or just jelious. I am an artist as well and I get the same thing ¬¬ Someone flamed me on Mediaminer.org and he said meh art sux-_- But I looked at his art and it was TOTALY CRAPY!!!XD It looked more like a scrible XD lol:)
Posted: Saturday, 12 October, 2002 @ 02:40 AM

wee I love all of ur drawings, ur improving everyday and using different techniques that make ur piccies come out! Great job on this piccy, really like how the wings and flames came out.keep it up!!!

Posted: Monday, 14 October, 2002 @ 03:33 PM

Julie, Your art is AMAZING!!!!! I wish I had your talent!! And to the person who said Julie's art sucks: Why don't you try drawing a picture and comparing it to julies work. What whould you have?? A piece of junk compared to hers!!!

Posted: Monday, 14 October, 2002 @ 06:21 PM

wow, shes so pretty! one of my favorites. ^_^ i love the flames, and her hair. the hair really looks awesome. my lupe thinks shes pretty as well.

akeilo: SHUT UP, WF!

Posted: Saturday, 04 January, 2003 @ 10:49 AM

i love it!i draw pics but not as good as yours i cant imagine ppl sayings its rubbish they rule!Luv Berreh

Posted: Saturday, 08 February, 2003 @ 03:31 PM

Gasp Who would dare critisize your work, Julie? Sharpens a sword and narrows eyes Where do they live?

Ehe ^^; Anyhow... Julie, Prue ish so cool @_@ People dun every give anyone else a chance, they look at the outside and then judge the person ¬¬ Evil. Anyhow, yer work ish great, keep up the good work! ^^

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