The Wizard Of Zaar

Aundi Trooper
Aundi Trooper by @The-Wizard-of-Zaar (The Wizard Of Zaar)

The Aundi are a race formidable in war.

Aundi Troopers are disciplined, well trained and well equipped. Skilled marksmen, their aptitude for fire fights is further enhanced by their mild telepathic abilities, more specifically their abilities as empaths allow them to sense most hidden enemies and track them.

Giving Aundi a greater awareness, means to detect an ambush ahead of time and pursue fleeing foes.

The Aundi are a species at home in swampy and jungle environments, being strong swimmers and deft at traversing dense jungles, forests and wetlands.

In space, the Aundi also are formidable fighters. Particularly as their vessels are very advanced, and Aundi being exceptional pilots.

Though the Aundi species are for lack of a better term "Squishy", ill suited to hand to hand combat and incredibly vulnerable to bladed weapons; as the Aundi have soft flesh, weak bones and heal wounds slowly. Though they are a tall, long limbed species of considerable strength; giving them a superiority over species less inclined towards violence or a martial lifestyle.

Though Aundi Troopers are still trained in unarmed combat and their ancient arts of throwing knives and axes... They have little chance in hand to hand combat against species such as Eggrellians, Rahashi or even the Azita. In an unarmed fight; an Aundi has considerable advantage of reach and strength over a Gaian (Human), though comparatively less stamina and longevity... An Aundi combatant possesses the attributes and necessity to initiate and end a fight quickly, but begin to decline in effectiveness rapidly as time goes on.

The true strength of Aundi Troopers is in reconnaissance, ranged combat, specialisation in tropical environments, aquatic combat and the apprehension of fleeing or hiding targets.

To put it simply; they're a race of hunters.

Rough / Concept
122d4h ago
Other Work By @The-Wizard-of-Zaar

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