The Wizard Of Zaar

Hilibi by @The-Wizard-of-Zaar (The Wizard Of Zaar)

I wanted to introduce her in a better quality of drawing.

But yeh, this is Hilibi

She belongs to a small, but nimble and clever subterranean dwelling species called Tiliks.

Hilibi is the crew's cook, but also has a knack for picking up new skills and is eager to learn. She is good friends with Bessad, and is currently being trained in ships operations by Alix and Sokisa.

She has a very strong work ethic and takes a lot of pride in her duties. A team player, she has a selflessness about her and is dedicated to the benefit of her community (Currently this being the ships crew)

Though small in stature, timid and doesn't handle confrontation well. She has an amazing knack for throwing all her time, energy and thought into tackling a problem, as unsolvable as it may seem.

Like Bessad, she has no stomach for fighting and is useless in combat.

Rough / Concept
122d7h ago
Other Work By @The-Wizard-of-Zaar

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