El Thorvaldo Moderator

Support Dallaire
Support Dallaire by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

There are precious few people this world can unequivocally call heroes. Roméo Dallaire is one.

While the rest of the so-called civilized world was content to let Rwanda butcher itself in 1994, Dallaire tried ceaselessly to rally support for his foundering peacekeeping mission. Even when UNAMIR was drastically cut, he stubbornly refused to abandon the country, using what limited resources the Security Council saw fit to provide him to protect as many citizens as he could, knowing all the while that the genocidal government could turn on the force in an instant. Dallaire embodied everything the UN was supposed to stand for, selflessly putting his life on the line in the defence of common humanity, only to be cast aside by an utterly indifferent international community that determined African lives just weren't worth the risk. UNAMIR will go down in history as one of peacekeeping's most atrocious failures, but certainly not due to any fault of Dallaire's.

Now retired from the army, Dallaire is a staunch advocate for humanitarian initiatives. He is a Senior Fellow at the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies, wherein he established the Will to Intervene Project to develop national policy strategies for the prevention of mass atrocities. He is the author of three books: Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda, They Fight Like Soldiers, They Die Like Children: The Global Quest to Eradicate the Use of Child Soldiers, and Waiting for First Light: My Ongoing Battle with PTSD.

Stamp based on this template by zilla774.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt March 2013.]

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