Jessica R-Eads

School Sucks comic thingy-mabobber
School Sucks comic thingy-mabobber by @jessread (Jessica R-Eads)

first page, 2nd page is in the works...pen drawn, in school cause i am too LAZY to do pencil line work all the time!

amusing/pitiful/sad story time!!! i was working on this in math (AFTER finishing my work, OF COURSE, why i'd NEVER put my education at risk because i'd rather be doing ANYTHING but learn...sarcasim is great) and the teacher saw, and after a few kind words, he went back to whatever he was doing prior...after a few minutes, out of NOWHERE, he turned around and started asking me all these questions, asking me why i thought "school sucked", and if i had any friends, and treated me like i was some psychological mess of a human thingy.

then i made a moose noise and dissappeared like a dissappeary thingy.

Teen (O)
22y148d ago
Other Work By @jessread

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 08 February, 2002 @ 09:11 PM

laffs SPLEEENNN!!! ^^ I like it. You can draw god in pen =P

Posted: Monday, 11 February, 2002 @ 12:42 AM

bitchslaps your math teacher ;) I love it. It looks just like me in the morning ^_^

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