Arielle White

Jean and Lolly da X-TRA-ter-EST-tr-ALS!
Jean and Lolly da X-TRA-ter-EST-tr-ALS! by @ariewhit (Arielle White)

...you know when your having one of those "eppisodes" where no matter what you draw, it NEVER looks good? ya, well I'm havin one of those. But, this is pretty good considering i'm rigt in the middle of one of those "eppisodes".

Anywho! about the charcters! This is Jean and Lolly. I was gonna make Jean blue, then then I realized how stupid that would sound. 0_- So yaw. he's light green and Lollys.....a different green....0_o;; Their aliens, obviously :P and their from the planet Zimbobway. sound fermiller? it would. shifts eyes On their home planet they were named with strange, unpronouncable symbols, so when they came ta earth they picked their own "normal" names. Which is kinda kool! :D I wanna do that!...naw, I'd prolly pick a stupid one anyway. :\ points at lolly and scriems LOOKIT ALL THE MAKEUP SHE'S WEARING!!!!!!! Lollys like, the defanition of a girly-girly-girl and Jeans kool. :P I like Jean. waves to Jean

Finished Work
22y247d ago
Other Work By @ariewhit

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