Arielle White

Waffles and Rosy and Rene and Thesia and Molly and Kitty, OH MY!
Waffles and Rosy and Rene and Thesia and Molly and Kitty, OH MY! by @ariewhit (Arielle White)

Ish beh anover compoOtah colourd piccy! :D this is of Cristals charcters fer mah half of another art trade! All their names are pasted there so I dun havta post em...looks at title oh wait, I alreaddy did. 0_o Okie, I know this is what your thinking so I'm just gonna SAY IT! They all look like their breasteses are about to explode right out of their shirts! 0_0 Some guy: acually, I was just wondering where I'm going to buy my lunch this afternoon, but now that you mention it.....

Finished Work
22y246d ago
Other Work By @ariewhit

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 03 November, 2001 @ 02:48 PM

II''MM SOOO PPRROOUUUDDD OOFFF YYYOOOOOOUUUUUUUUU!!!!!! XD XD XD I love eet to pieces :D :D :D x 10³ (picks them all up and walks away laughing... LAUGHING! LLAAAUUUGGHHHIIINNNGGGG!!! Or sneezing. I dunno)

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