Ken Charlton

Spontaneous Wolfgang Redesign
Spontaneous Wolfgang Redesign by @Malice_101 (Ken Charlton)

This is another to add to my recent flurry of redesigns. It started off as me just listing down words that represented Wolfgang and his mental make-up. I then drew that horrible mess perched at the top of the page and said "No. I can do a hell of alot better than that!" The rest just followed on. Done with a fountain pen (of all things) hence some of the ink spots lying around the place.

Rough / Concept
20y169d ago
Other Work By @Malice_101

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 23 January, 2004 @ 05:13 PM

o.o wow, this is much better than any bunch of character sketches I've done! And in ink at that! envious The rough style appeals to me- I like the different perspectives as well- it goes to show just what kind of character Wolfgang is. blinks not sure I'd want to cross his bad side laughs good job ^_^

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