Li Chi Son

"How about me and you do some OOXXX," winks Lucifer. by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

"Damn perverted demon....let go of me or I will rip you limb from limb..."

Gah...it's 3:00 am...soo sleepy. But I wanted to post something up since I had a pause due to exams. Need...sleep.

I drew this as a gag. Lucifer keeps hitting on Natasu, no matter what body Natasu is currently possessing, whether it's a guy or girl. Not sure if Lucifer even means anything by it but he would sure love to be in bed with Natasu. Too bad, Lucifer :P. Natasu isn't that loose.

Just invented the clothes. It's a bit stiff (like it's just lines) so I screwed up his shoulder. I'll have to modify it again.

"Will you put on more clothes..." asked Natasu.

"Why? Don't you love my hot, sexy body? Check out this six-pack!" He proceeds to flaunt himself in front of Natasu.

"I'm too sexy for my shirt...too sexy for my pants..."

Enjoy :P

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y93d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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