Li Chi Son

New Character alert: Lucifer!!!! XD
New Character alert: Lucifer!!!! XD by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

I've almost read the last book of Angel Sanctuary. Kaori Yuki, you rock my world with your beautiful characters and amazing plot!!! I really wanted to create a demon king and after seeing Lucifer (hearts) in Angel Sanctuary, I just had to drag biblical chars into the rp.

Welcome drum roll the lustful king of demons, Lucifer. Short profile cause he's still new and I need to fine tune him. (Luckily for me, I have show a bit more plot regarding him so I won't be spoiling anything)

Personality: Being the king of demons, one would expect him to be a tyrant but he is a very caring ruler that watches over his kingdom carefully to make sure there is no injustice there. Really enjoys a good fight but he prefers fighting with words than fists (he has a sharp tongue too so watch it :P).

Relationships: Seems like he knows Natasu (the soul that shares a body with Li Chi) long long ago and enjoys hitting on her but it seems one sided. Relationship unclear but they have something planned long long ago. (with my state of mind, maybe you can guess the relationship)

Current area in the rp: Lucifer is going to be an active participant in the gods vs demons war (this doesn't include the ruling gods/demons cause they're all busy with other stuff.) Lucifer doesn't want this war at all but it's also a perfect time to take out his greatest rival, Yawah(or in the Bible, God). (side note: to me, Yawah is a female. :P I got inspired by Deanna Echaniquee's online manga "Velvet".) Natasu(aka Li Chi) is going to take care of the war (probably going to find a way to stop it one way or another) so that their old old plan from way back is still running on schedule so he he a bit relieved that maybe the war doesn't happen. He's even more relived that Natasu/Li Chi seems to be on their side in the war(never really got a straight answer tho) and has complete faith in her.

pants here Ju-chan. I gave a profile and a bit more of their story so you understand them better rather than critic my artwork. I'll have to draw the final part of the plot AFTER it happens pinches bro bro

Enjoy! (note: I still hate his left shoulder/arm. It's off and he has woman hips -_-. I had trouble with this pose cause it wasn't my original idea. Maybe I should draw a sign on the palm of his hand. He's supposed to be touching glass that's why the tips of his fingers are more rounder than normal)

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Teen (N)
Finished Work
21y102d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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Posted: Friday, 16 May, 2003 @ 10:38 PM


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