Li Chi Son

To my beloved bro bro and to all my visitors.
To my beloved bro bro and to all my visitors. by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

I've spent about 4 days on this pic, trying to decide who to add and how to pose them. I wanted to sell it too but I kinda.....drooled...-_- and made a small blob near the bottom so I don't think anyone would like that.

I wanted so bad to draw something for the viewers and to bro bro who moved to a new house and left me alone....online....with no one to rp with....for 3 weeks!!! strangles him I finished it in time when he greeted me online!! Yeah! So I can post it up for all of you too!!

These are my top top most favourite characters(there are some that are quite close but no room to add). (starting from left side to right for all the "squares")

Li Chi Son (from my Dragonball RP: Somnia Memories) - The longest character I have rped as. I felt like we were both growing up as every year passes. From acting like a child to becoming a grown woman tears makes me so happy :P. Currently accomplished - She just brought peace to the multiverse between the demons and gods (play on their pride, it gets them all the time :P). Wasn't easy to find a way to solve it but it worked and the multiverse is more peaceful....until someone screws up the peace evil grin >XP Note: I kinda wanted to add Natasu/3 eyes but I haven't shown her full story and since it is the same body that 3 eyes and Li Chi share, there wasn't a real good reason to add her

Trowa/the Noamuth(means the Wandered) (from a Gundam Wing RP) - from just being original Trowa Barton to a completely different Trowa, it gave me a chance to express more than the original. The past Trowa was suggested by Terramoon in an omake or joke-rp and improv is the best rp so I went along with the idea and it stuck :P. It's quite fun having no control of spontaneous events that just change everything. It is, in some ways, quite different from my DB rp but has it's similarities. This new Trowa still doesn't show his emotions at all, demands everything, solves everything by brute force, yet still has a caring side that want to protect what is his. He followed Ivellios and was ordered to destory whomever stood in Ivellios' path in attaining the world in return for power (and more...cough adult stuff, no love tho). When medieval Trowa (aka the Noamuth) tried to save Quarion (aka medieval Quatre) and Athis (currently Quatre's wife sigh), Ivellios killed him. When the Noamuth was reawakened in Trowa, it looked like he was bent on revenge but when he saw Ivellios had change and no longer persued the path of evil, he scarred Ivellios (now known as Silvanis) saying that is the mark of Ivellios' death and Silvanis' life and that Ivellios is to never persue the evil path again or he will kill him permenantely. It was such a great rp story!! XD I was happy for a few weeks :P Currently accomplished - Destroyed most of Ivellios' old henchmen that are bent on following Ivellios' evil footsteps. Basically cleaning up after Ivellios :P Has tea with old friend Ariso (also a dark elf like Ivellios who used to follow him with Noamuth but gave up that path) after fighting. Side Note: Ariso's daughter, Erris, accompanies the Noamuth on his travels.

Lucifer (from Somnia Memories) - He started off as a fill in char but low and behold, his adorable flirtiness and carefree demeanour has won it's way into my heart. He expresses his emotions in extremes: extreme happiness, extreme flirtiness, extreme anger, etc. Currently accomplished - Protected Li Chi/Natasu when they were getting beaten in the gods vs demons war. Assisted Li Chi/Great Mother when she was having trouble controlling the time freeze power. He is one of the high level demons that drafted the treaty between the gods and demons and is very pro for this union.

Tailigail (from my story about NiGHTS into DREAMS) - a beautiful char invented for a beautiful person called Abegail. We always compete on who's more evil :P by being nice, heheheh. Sucks to say that I haven't written any COMPLETE story about Tailigail and his band of companions, it's all in my head. I'll write something down one day :P I promise. His character is still on the drawing board but he's quite the fighter, fighting for what he believes in: killing and sheeding blood, yet enjoying the company of an equally strong opponent that is the complete opposite of him, Yuki! He thinks strategically and talks down to those that have no honour. That's all I can think of right now.

Petit Shinigami (from my fic based on Yu Yu Hakusho world) - Sweet Petit! I can eat you up!! MUAHHAHA. I invented Petit as a child version of Mung Ying whom I invented earlier. I wanted to explain her relationship with the Dream Emperor (formally known as Kuroyume) and since I was hooked on Tokyo Babylon by Clamp, it was almost exactly the same as that story. Then I grew a bit out of the story and realized that it was plagurism and not really my idea; I also didn't like how I made their relationship in the beginning cause I wanted Kuroyume to actually FEEL something for Petit other than that of an object so I scrapped the first hard copy of the story and decided on a rewrite. This time, it's my idea and my story. Petit has always been such a sweet child who tries it's best in everything and strives to make it's parents proud (Petit is non gendered). I guess it's a way to salute a great great artist/director/: Hayao Miyazaki, creator of My Neightbour Totoro, Spirited Away, Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke. He rocks my world too with his beautiful stories that insired me to be a better person. XD Note: I can't say this is a fanfic cause none of the chars from Yu Yu Hakusho are in it.

Kuroyume (from my fic based on Yu Yu Hakusho world) - The supposed Seishirou-san that became something more. You see, Kuroyume HAS feelings for Petit but he does not know how to express them. Therefore I have to make the story longer and more focused on their relatoinship rather than Kuroyume attaining the title of Dream Emperor. cuddles Kuroyume Even though i am still contemplating his character, he is still goooood looking :P.

Kitten - Someone mentioned that I never drew her again and asked why. I just said that I had my reasons. Sweet Kitten. Her beautiful can from the happiness I had felt and I used to draw her so much. But after the purpose shattered, I just didn't want to draw her cause she would always look so sad and very demented looking -_-. I had to look through all the old pics and redraw her again and again before I could achieve this. Sadly, her expression looks a bit fake(I changed the eyebrows to make them look happy, but her eyes themselves have a sad expression). I love you sweet Kitten. Your innocent smile and loving heart is when made you so special from the beginning.

Shinji (from a Gundam Wing rp) - His original name was Touji :P, Shinji was supposed to be Yuki's past name. I switched them around -_-. (Found a piece of paper where I wrote their names down froma while back while cleaning) He is very interesting when it comes to his past. Most of the gate guardians have an interesting past that seems to be tied with all the other chars in the rp. Out of all 3, Shinji has the darkest past and it reflects in his characteristic. He laughs when he hears smoking can kill him, he keeps to himself and hardly talks to the other two, he's one depressed kiddo. But he does have some soft side to Yokano, the reborn wind demon and her bouncy happiness. I have to reward all their hard work once in a while :P Currently accomplished - Has found their latest client, Fuumori and Tazumi, and is about to send them back to their homeplace where they long for deep inside. Fuumori and Tazumi are staying at the abandoned temple where the 3 are staying and will tell their story to Fuumori and Tazumi soon.

Long enough? :P Luv you all!! Enjoy!! XD

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Teen (D)
Finished Work
21y81d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 15 May, 2003 @ 01:29 PM

I really love your style. Even though you use a simple blue pen, everything turns out so PERFECTLY! I really especially love your bishounen, they are sooo hot... bottom right corner is my fave... I also really like Kitten. It's sad that she looks sad, but you know, sadness happens and you can't really fight it but you know what? it will always pass. So don't let it get you down forever! I'm really impressed with this picture and I wish you tons of luck drawing more in the future!


Posted: Saturday, 17 May, 2003 @ 12:50 AM

Kitten doesn't look sad... What are you talking about weird gal! Kitten looks inquisitive! Which ironically fits the old quote, "Curiosity killed the cat.".... In a sense... ... ... Shut up!

Posted: Sunday, 18 May, 2003 @ 07:15 PM

I think Kitten is perfectly accurately drawn... She is a reflection of your life at different times. The time when she was created was a time that was quite happy for you. Hardship came, and you forgot about her, but she was still there, just unable to look happy anymore. This 'fake' kitten is a reflection of yourself when you are still nursing your melancholia, but try to but the brave face forward. Quite, in my opinion, appropriate. By the way, New York rocked! pretends you asked

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