Adam Girtz

Missouri - RT2024
Missouri - RT2024 by @ajfox (Adam Girtz)

The show me state served as my much needed halfway rest stop point each way for the trip to & from Texas.  

I've been to Missouri a few times and it's been easy for me to forget how awesome this state is when the visits are few and far between.  From St. Louis to Kansas City, Bethany to Joplin, I feel as though I see or find something new each time I pass through.  From a temporary wrong exit detour by the Kansas City Chiefs and Royals stadiums,  the rolling hills & fields down I-35 and I-49, and some great, friendly and helpful people, it makes me wish I had more time to really appreciate it. 

The animals:  American Black Bear, Flying Squirrel, Mule and Mountain Lion. 

HUGE shout out to Missouri! 

(I didn't catch it in time, but I goofed on the state flag a tad.  The bears weren't supposed to be that big.  I'll fix this in future depictions. My mistake.)

(RT24 series 3 of 3) 

Characters are © A. Girtz

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