Adam Girtz

Hanging around
Hanging around by @ajfox (Adam Girtz)

The face of determination.

Inspired by a comic idea of mine. This piece I went back and fourth on after telling myself to stick with simpler ideas.  I thought about going much deeper into detail with this, but remembered what I'd told myself. 

My gray fox, Torran, pursuing an operative belonging to a shadow organization from the extended story line.  Justice will be served.  (If I can get around to making the dumb comic, it will make sense)  The viewer is looking down through the floor of a glass bottom elevator. How many floors can he hang on?

Perspective practice, for which I still need a LOT of work on. 

Torran & image © A. Girtz


Finished Work
5d14h ago
Other Work By @ajfox

Comments & Critiques (4)

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Posted: Monday, 22 July, 2024 @ 01:22 AM

Nicely done. The perspective looks good! I kind of get that sweaty palm feeling looking at this image and imagining having to hold on for that long at that height. 

Posted: Monday, 22 July, 2024 @ 02:21 AM

@BadKarma: Thank you, BK! 

What I should do for my next project is put together the comic, if only for a short story, featuring this drawing for context.  In order to get away with a few things for the story (originally a time travel affair) I decided to instead use a parallel/alternate universe.  A complimentary expansion to the core stories I also need to get going on.  Things like lifts tend to operate a little differently in this world.  There's also more to this character than meets the eye. 

I mentioned to Jinx this is also kind of a nod to 80's and 90's action movies. 

Posted: Monday, 22 July, 2024 @ 06:08 PM
Rating: 5

Oooh, Awsome perspective view here, I really the smooth coloring you do too.  Oh what a scary position for the Torran to be in! >_<

Posted: Monday, 22 July, 2024 @ 08:12 PM

@Weasel_Silver24: Thanks much, Silver! I appreciate it! 

It's scary for sure. (I personally have a hard time with heights in certain circumstances)  It's what the viewers don't see that will help this make sense soon once the comic is ready.  Rough sketching is underway for it.



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