Hayley Price

Have a Happy Realistic Christmas!
Have a Happy Realistic Christmas! by @catrine (Hayley Price)

Well . . . I doubt you'll have a pokemon lying around after blitzing out on his catnip toy, buuuutt . . . otherwise this is accurate. The scary thing is, that's how I predict I'm going to look on Christmas morning. I actually wear that purple nightgown and those odd blue pajama pants to bed. And I braid my hair into two uneven, ill managed braids. I'll probably be wearing a bathrobe though, because unlike idealistic Kitty here, I'LL have family present. Hey, Bla Bla Landers! How will you and YOUR pokemon be spending the holidays?

22y201d ago
Other Work By @catrine

Comments & Critiques (5)

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Posted: Thursday, 20 December, 2001 @ 01:26 AM

LMAO! XD Terk is going to florada to oogle at some umbreon stude muffens :D OOOooooh! I'll draw that too! XD XD XD yar. On Christmas I'll be wearing mah christmas PJ'z(red flanel with white shnow flakies) and fuzzy red slippers while my hair will look like the bride of FRAKENSTIEN!!!!!!! .... YEAH! :D Really cool picture, Kittz! Christmas trees are kinda hard for me to color(and frustraiting) XD

Posted: Thursday, 20 December, 2001 @ 12:53 PM

I'm not exacly sure where splash went off to...last time i saw her she was playing with a paperbag over her head and running around..then she lied down SOMEWHERE...shrug

(J/k) ^_^ Some familys commin over on christmas. =3 Once everyones here tho I'm gonna be all dressed tho so yaw mon XD


Posted: Thursday, 20 December, 2001 @ 06:34 PM

LMAO!!! XD Really cool piccy, Kits! Aqua's taking a little vacation up to the north. She's getting sick and tired of no snow down here in the T DOT. If you ask me, I think she's crazy. But you know, her choice. shrug

On Christmas day, I'll be waking up in my red Winnie the Pooh jammies with snowflakes on them ripping apart all my presents! Yepperz! Then, I'mma go see my cousins and my relatives! Itsh gonna be funs! Anywhoz, hope you have a happy X-Mas and a merry New Year! =D

Posted: Friday, 21 December, 2001 @ 08:35 PM

I love the tree Kit! ^_^ And Strewth looks so kewt all zonked out like that. XD

Angel is currently hiding under the couch hissing at me. Something about sitting on him. shrug XD

I'll be sleeping in to who knows when since we're probably going to church at midnight. XD -Then- I'll rip up my presents. ^_^

Posted: Saturday, 22 December, 2001 @ 09:55 AM

Well, I'll Probubly gain 5 More Pounds after Christmas. ^_^ I Dunno Were Blue Went...

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