Hayley Price

COLOR! by @catrine (Hayley Price)

This is Catrine/Kitty's one true split personality. Despite her vivid orange in black shirt, this personality only shows up during Christmas parties, where she violently burns all mistletoe with the conveniant flamethrower she wears. She has an interesting track record, though; she has never been known to destroy mistletoe in cases where its mutually wanted (though a single case at the wrong time can spoil the fun for everyone) and she doesn't bother with mistletoe that everyone ignores. You can tell that she's a split personality and not just Cat acting weird because of the two great violations of her personal appearance: Short hair and contacts!!! GASP!! Needless to say, Cat has no memory of ever doing this, and its impossible to hold down a conversation with this flighty alter-ego. No one knows how she switches hair and contacts back and forth, but this form will invariably vanish if Cat ever falls in love. I did this in pen! I haven't explored marking pens as a coloring agent before now, but it turned out really well, and was easy to work with in Adobe Photodeluxe. I should've made the background a differant color though . . . that was just more experimenting in Adobe. . . . I wish I had a shirt like that . . .

22y201d ago
Other Work By @catrine

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 20 December, 2001 @ 01:59 AM

OOOIIIIYYYY!!! +(o)+ That is SO nice!!! IMMA GOING TO DRAW HER FOR OUR EVER SO LATE PICTURE EXCHANGE!!!! XD XD XD feel very fortuante. I dont have any programs that can put a background up +(j_j)+ poopy

Posted: Thursday, 20 December, 2001 @ 01:00 PM

EEE!! Thish ish my fave picture of yers! XD The backgrund really adds allot, and the colourings real purdy too!!

Posted: Thursday, 20 December, 2001 @ 06:42 PM

OOH! Real cool piccy! The background REALLY adds a nice touch! And I absolutely -LOVE- the colouring! Be happy, MS Paint is all I have. sniff

Posted: Friday, 21 December, 2001 @ 08:29 PM

That's gorgeous, Kit! ^^ The background is so pwetty... ^^ repeats everything everyone else said

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