Julie Ottosen

should I care?
should I care? by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

Um... yeah. This is a sketchy of Ethan again. This is after Lydia slapped him and told him to stay the hell away from him. Lydia was pretty much in love with him, but he just hurt her again.

This picture I'm not exactly sure what Ethan is thinking, if he's fruststrated, or angry, or depressed... but whatever he is feeling, I know he won't crawl back... to anyone.

That's the problem w/ him being a player/flirter type... someone gets hurt...

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Julie Young

Rough / Concept
21y226d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (13)

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Posted: Sunday, 10 November, 2002 @ 01:06 PM

sniffel Poor Ethan... Hugs Picture Dun be sad Ethan!

Love that picture.. Like ALL the other pics you've made. ^_^ Keep it Up!


Posted: Sunday, 10 November, 2002 @ 01:42 PM

Well, i guess... I don't know how to describe ths picture it's good and the emotional features are great. He had it coming to him the whole time and I think he knew it, So really it's his loss.

Posted: Sunday, 10 November, 2002 @ 01:51 PM

Ethan had it coming to him.He should have craed more....Well hope he does o.k.Great picy.

Posted: Sunday, 10 November, 2002 @ 05:07 PM

Pfft! He shouldn't have cared more, that's what makes him, HIM! lol He's never going to be a one-woman kind of man. That's why he and Lydia weren't good for each other, she needs someone who's willing to commit... lol

Posted: Sunday, 10 November, 2002 @ 05:49 PM

WHO CARES ABOUT LYDIA?!?! ;3 SHE SUCKS!!! dances around holding a confused Ethan's hands lalalalala Lydia sucks monkey butt!!

Posted: Sunday, 10 November, 2002 @ 06:28 PM

grabs Ethan's other hand and dances around with Agenza WEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAPPAH DAYS!!! spikes punch again WHOOT @_@

Posted: Monday, 11 November, 2002 @ 02:06 PM

Aww,he just looks so sad whimperCHEER UP ETHAN!^^

Posted: Monday, 11 November, 2002 @ 03:44 PM

Agenza, that's so mean of you. hugs poor Lydia

Anyway, he's soooo hot in this one. hugs Ethan to death =^.^=

Posted: Monday, 11 November, 2002 @ 09:46 PM

aww... Wow... This pic. is great. It really is hard to figure that guy out huh?

Posted: Monday, 30 December, 2002 @ 04:04 PM

says the frozen account.. I dont see Ethan as the type of guy to get depressed. I think he is just tired. (note the limp arms and closed eyes..)

Posted: Monday, 03 March, 2003 @ 03:52 PM

Ehmmmm.... this is probably the part where I'm supposed to feel sorry for him but I dont. :P. I feel like he truly deserves it.

pulls Ethan's ear How dare you hurt so many girls? You know, what goes around, comes around. One day you are going to fall in love with a lupess a lupess, like truly in love, and she is going to break your heart.

Ehhh... sighs who made me the lecturer... anyway great pic Julie, keep up the beautiful artwork,

Deliberately steps on Ethan's tail as she leaves

Posted: Monday, 03 March, 2003 @ 06:45 PM

Well, one thing you need to do is read his story on his page. Look up Ethan_L_Crowe and you'll learn, that he's already had his heart ripped out, that's why he doesn't give it away.... and that's why he's closed off and is only a flirt. He doesn't spend time w/ any girls that would get so attatched to him that they'd get mad if they learn that they're not the only 'one' he's been with.... so yeah. Yes, he deserved it... but let's not dump on the poor guy... he deserves better than Lydia anyways... (she's long gone anyways, so it dun even matter...)

Posted: Friday, 23 May, 2003 @ 04:22 PM

holy...shishkobops....he is so hot...you make him look so real!!!!I WANT YOUR TALENT!! ::laughs grimly:: koff koff scuse me...

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