oh yeah.... u know what I'M gonna say...
mmm... Link and Kai... drools mmmm... they so studdly wink and so... purrs mrow
lol, I LOVE THIS PICCY!!!!! ^^
i like how u drew my anthrowolfy self ^^ a friend said it actually looked a lot like me but with a tail and a snout. I duno... i think he was smokin' somethin.... I don't think i look THAT hot... but anyway.... hehehe me can't see anything bad... ^^ erm.... maybe Kai's abs... I thought he had an 8-pack... but meh... he still looks oh so yummy ^^
JULIE THIS PIC IS SOoooOOOOOOOOOO AWSOME!!!i love the look on Kai's face.hes just thinkin "what the...?" lolz ^^ mesa like it lots!