Julie Ottosen

ponder ponder hmmmmmmmmm...
ponder ponder hmmmmmmmmm... by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

I don't upload piccy's like this very often, I thought it would be fun to do so.. so...... I am! heh. Anyways.. this is that sketch I uploaded the other day, outlined. I'm in the process of coloring it. I fixed the things that were wrong in the sketch, and I actually got a ref on a gun holster so it looks more believeable and junk. So there you go. I like this outline lots better than the sketch.

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

21y118d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 22 February, 2003 @ 09:10 PM

Very nice..the gun thingy does look better

Posted: Sunday, 23 February, 2003 @ 03:33 PM

me is second MUAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! YAY! i cant draw guns at all! good job... (no offense but with all this talk bout goldenwolf wants me wanna see her gallery! whuz da url thingy?) ROX! go oasis go oasis!
gets tackled by E.O.F. (ethan obsessed fan) ooh leeme see!

Posted: Monday, 24 February, 2003 @ 05:48 PM

ok... well... tis a good piccy and all... and yeah the holster looks a BIT better... but it still kinda looks like it's gonna snap off if he has it for over a month.... concidering his life-stayle and all.... so erm... welll most good holsters i believe are like one single piece of leather.... but with some unjustment buckles.... but essentialy it looks kinda like one thing..... and the bands are broader so that it's not as noticeable... kinda like a bra strap... know how a thin one can be kinda easily seen under a shirt? well... if the strap on a bra is like that... think of what a gun holster with a thin strap over a shirt then under a covering shirt would look like... but anyway..... Ethan looks yummy as ever so... hehehe no need for improvement there wink

if someone knows more about gun holsters... be my guest to correct me ^^

Posted: Monday, 24 February, 2003 @ 06:31 PM

Well, I did go looking around at sites w/ gun holsters and photos.. the one I found was like this one he's wearing, maybe my version is a little too thin on the straps, it can be fixed however. lol. I wanted to see if I could find a leather looking type holster, but the only pictures I found of leather type ones were for pants holsters, not shoulder holsters... but like I said, I can still fix it. ^^; Thanx.

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