Julie Ottosen

hehehe by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

Okay.. the other day I saw something that concerns this guy... that I didn't like not at all... cuz the artist just.. grrness!!! And I decided to draw a piccy of him. This is Proffessor Lupin from Harry Potter #3. He's one of my fave chars, and (Sirius is my #1 fave). But yeah... for some reason, I think his head looks a little big... I scanned it and it looked off, but I did scetch it at like 11pm.. lol. Shrug So yeah... here ya go.

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Rough / Concept
21y156d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (16)

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Posted: Wednesday, 15 January, 2003 @ 08:45 PM

PORFESSOR LUPIN!!!! looks at piccy with hearts in her eyes Oh Julie you did a great job ^^ but yeah... his head does seem a little big compared to his body... and I always imagined him with a little more arm and bicept actually ^^ like, slimly built ^^ but not like a vacum sealed bag of cannonballs >.o but perfect ^^ sighs

Posted: Thursday, 16 January, 2003 @ 04:40 PM

Yes yes, I did see that. I will prolly do another sketch, or fix this one up or summin later. XB But yeah. ^^

Posted: Wednesday, 15 January, 2003 @ 09:27 PM

nice.... me likey

Posted: Wednesday, 15 January, 2003 @ 10:18 PM

Ooooo! Lupin be my fav definately! I love the pic, though I had always envisioned him as rather scrawny...lol! I have to read book three again....I really must...::prays for book three for her B-day::

BTW though....What had the artist done concerning Lupin that you hadn't liked...?

Posted: Thursday, 16 January, 2003 @ 04:40 PM

You reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally don't want to know. (Eve knows what I'm talking about)

Seriously.. you don't... if you're anything like me... it will just make you mad. koff I'll just say this.. it involves Lupin and Sirius... think about it... (no it's nothing like THAT... but it's.. still... close.. ¬¬) Anyways.. thanx. yah. I never pictured him huge, nore scrawny... just more or less toned sorta.. though in this sketch it kind dun show how tired he usually looks... but drawing shadows under his eyes I'd have to do more shading to pull that off w/out making it look bad. So yeah. XD Thanx

Posted: Thursday, 16 January, 2003 @ 05:20 AM

kewl!I like it!

Posted: Thursday, 16 January, 2003 @ 10:39 AM

-attacks Lupin with GAINT hearts in eyes- I LUFF HIM! mostly because he'd so hot and nice.....=^^= But I also like the fact that he tis a werewolf -purs- teehee X3 I obesed with them o.O;; And you drew him vvveeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy good in this piccah Oasis ^_~ -glomps him and steals him away- MINE! teehee X3

Posted: Friday, 17 January, 2003 @ 06:15 PM

o.o drooloh...eh..cough,coughOo; Great picture^^Sirius AND Remus are both my favorites XD

Posted: Friday, 17 January, 2003 @ 11:36 PM

Mm.... Lupin. drools But, I must say. SIRIUS ROCKS MY SOCKS! Ahem. Yes he does indeed... although I like Remus' eyes in this one... mm.. yummy.

;-; I wanna know what happened!! offers more Pocky I give you Pocky-y!

Posted: Sunday, 19 January, 2003 @ 03:14 PM

Eve, Blazzeh, Ruala... Everyone from the guild commented! tacklehuggleglomps I like the picceh! points His hand looks foonkay, though, and I see what you guys mean about his head. I've always envisioned him being kinda ragged. I shouldn't be talking, though, I couldn't draw Lupin for my life^^

Posted: Sunday, 19 January, 2003 @ 11:08 PM

...It may not show his tiredness features, but it sure shows his ragged clothing! ; )

Hmm....I'm really interested now as to what upset you so much...lol! A Lupin/Sirius pairing? O_o

Posted: Wednesday, 22 January, 2003 @ 02:43 PM

mreh. sorry, Julie. just dont like harry potter.

Posted: Wednesday, 22 January, 2003 @ 10:23 PM

Well, that's nice and all, but what does that have to do with the quality of my picture? >.>

Posted: Thursday, 23 January, 2003 @ 08:53 PM

Kewl. He reminds me of the sketchy dude in the music video for "take on me" by A-ha. He just kinda looks like him i guess... I still think your wolfish style is better though (I'm not trying to be one of those evil peeps who insult your art!!!) sorry...

Posted: Thursday, 23 January, 2003 @ 09:11 PM

No, I'm not insulted, it's only that the fact of this, is that this picture is not related to wolfs at all... meaning, this is a HUMAN... so it's compeletly different. I'm not insulted of course, but you can't say really that you like one 'style' better, when this picture is drawn in my style.. he's just not a wolf. So yeah.

Posted: Monday, 03 March, 2003 @ 12:58 PM

drool He's a hottie! ^___^ grabs pic and runs MWUAHAAH! Oh and girls stay away from him.. HES MINE!! MWUAHAHAHA!!! XD

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