Thea Critza

XD (requested by Rachel)
XD (requested by Rachel) by @theacrit (Thea Critza)

Medium Regular pencil, Le Pen, Jasc Paintshop Pro v. 7.4 Credits Bra © Akira Toriyama, Tasuki © Yu Watase, Tasuki's expression © a Ruroni Kenshin picture o_o Artists rantings I kinda sorta think this one came out okay...Tasuki's hair looks cool, but that might just be because I copied it x_x Crazy freak rantings What do you know, I FINALLY fifnished one of my requests -_- I'm SO lazy, it always takes me forever to finish my requests. I seem to have more trouble on Rachel's requests though XD. This is her third one, the first one took about two months and the second one took about three weeks...I dunno how long this one took, but I was talking to her in a chatroom last week or something and she didn't even remember asking for it lol. Oh yeah....she asked for it at the beginning of October. XD. I'M SORRY RACHEL!!! It's not my fault that I'm lazy and slow. Anyway! Is Tasuki's hair the coolest, or is Tasuki's hair the coolest? Y'know, I think that Tasuki's hair is definitely the coolest. I mean...it's all cool...and...ORANGE!!!! I have an orange kitty. Actually he's Mandi's kitty, but that's okay. I think he's a vampire, cuz today he was biting my other kitty on the neck. lol. And he bites me all the time, but not hard. And he's sooooo cute! So is Tasuki. The reason I finally got off my lazy butt and drew this is cuz I rented this FY thingy. I didn't really get it because I'm way too lazy to read all the subtitles, and I don't know anything about FY anyway, but I loved the art, and the guys were very hot. Yeah. Especially Tasuki and Chichiri and Tamahome and...uh....that other guy with the thing around his head. lol I watched it yesterday and I can't even remember his name. Anyway. Uh...doesn't the background look messed up? Yes, it does. Anyway, I hope ya like it Rachel, and I'm sorry it took like three months XD

Thea is listening to: All you wanted by Michelle Branch I didn't know that it was so cold and you needed someone to show you the way Thea is working on: Sk8er Boi...cracks up And it's for herself, of course.

Finished Work
21y158d ago
Other Work By @theacrit

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 31 December, 2002 @ 09:06 PM

The coloring is great! You really pulled off the cel-shading effect well, especially on their hair ^_^

My gallery here!

Posted: Tuesday, 31 December, 2002 @ 09:56 PM

I love his expression! You did a great job coloring especially, but I'm also impressed with the poses and whatnot--the small bodies and big heads makes them a little off proportion, but it also looks SOOOOO CUTE! FY is toooooo damn long for me, so I'm still bitter (I paid 30 per tape, *16 tapes, half of which were Miaka and Tamahome "I love you but I can't be with you, let's break up" followed in the next episode by "We'll never be apart! Let's always stay together" but enough of my bitterness! Great pic okay!!!!!

Posted: Thursday, 02 January, 2003 @ 03:07 PM

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Thank you Thea! glomps. Its so cute ^^. And their in SD!. I love it when they go SD. Its funny. ^^. And Tasuki looks like........Tasuki! FY people are very hard to draw --. But yay! Ya got Tasuki looking how he would in the show! All twitch twitchy. @@ I love it Thea! ^^. Yay, you watched FY? Chichiri and Tasuki are the greatest! No Da!!!! lol, I got all of FY! ^__^. Expect the 2nd season is dubbed! They sound so gay! Well, Nuriko and Tasuki sound cool, but Chichiri sounds awful! insert long 'nu' here To lazy to type it all, lol. Anywho, Thank you Thea! ^^;;

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