Thea Critza

Sit? by @theacrit (Thea Critza)

MediumRegular pencil, Le Pen, Jasc Paintshop Pro v. 7.4 Credits Ochitsuita and Chiisai © me Artists rantings Chiisai looks messed up, and the bg is crap...eh...and Ochi just looks bad. Bleh. Crazy freak rantings lol. The story behind this? One day, Ochi and Chiisai were going for a walk in the woods. Chiisai was getting tired, so she said, "I wanna sit"--and she fell on her face. Because...um...just look at my demon Chiisai picture XD. And Ochi went "Hmmm. hMMM. hmmm. HMMM. HmMm. hMmM. HMmm. hmMM. I wonder why Chiisai just fell down. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm." Yup. BTW, Chiisai is my version of Inuyasha and Kagome's daughter, and her name supposedly means "small"...and Ochi is Miroku and Sango's son, and his name, Ochitsuita, means calm...I think. They're the same age....here they're nine...I think.

Thea is listening to: Complicated by Avril Lavigne Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated? Thea was working on: This thing that she gave up on cuz my computer died and lost half of it ¬¬

Finished Work
21y180d ago
Other Work By @theacrit

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 04 January, 2003 @ 09:56 AM

AHAHA!!! I love Ochi's expression ^^^; How fun ... nice job!!

Posted: Tuesday, 07 January, 2003 @ 10:23 AM

uh, the comment i made on ur tasuki and bra pic was hidden i think, i 4got to lcikc on public, so u can go do that if u want ^^ it was ment for the public to see i just 4got to click on it, lol i love sango and miriku's son! hes' SOO KAWAII!!.. just like miroku! this is soo kute ^^ i love inu yasha and kagomes daughter too! XD .. more of miroku and sango's son plz ^_^ XD**

Posted: Tuesday, 07 January, 2003 @ 10:24 AM

i was j/k about it ^_^;; i 4got to add j/k.. hehe

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