beatnik crab

yawning gargoyle
yawning gargoyle by @beatcrab (beatnik crab)

this was drawn during my transition from soft, curvaceous forms to rougher, more defined forms. i might've made the wings larger and more dramatic, except i ran out of drawing space. i might eventually draw larger wings separately and splice them on using the computer, but i quite doubt that this drawing will ever so much as see the ink from a pen. rated M for nudity, which may or may not be significantly more explicit if and when i ever color it. if anyone would like to color this image, please feel free to email me and i'll send you a larger, higher resolution image. 2001

Mature (N)
Rough / Concept
22y169d ago
Other Work By @beatcrab

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 04 April, 2002 @ 06:16 AM

despite your warning that it's rated M i went to have a look anyway, if someone ever says don't look guess what i do? look of course, this is wierd but cool, i got an idea if ya wanna hear it. can u draw another pic like this except put long hair on her and make her have feathery wings? and make one of these again with a muscly guys body? just a thought. keep up the good work!

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