Li Chi Son

Demon Slaying 101: With professor Rei.
Demon Slaying 101: With professor Rei. by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Happy go-lucky Rei isn't so happy here insert evil laugh.

Before Rei was reborn in Li Chi's body (sounds weird but it happened), she used to be one of the top demon slayers around. Here she is going to teach you all demon slayers wannabes a few lessons, take it away Rei.

Lesson 1: "If you have breasts, cut them off. They will get in the way when you have to lessen any disadvantages you have. Plus they weigh too much to move around quickly."

Lesson 2: "Keep a souvenir from your every kill. Every cut on my choker and arm bands are for my every kill."

Lesson 3: "You're not invinsible so try to have a small protection spell around you to diminish injuries to get the job done fast. The floating rings in my hair and my earrings contain protection spells giving me an edge."

Lesson 4: "Keep you clothes tight so there is almost nothing for the demons to grab except for your arms, legs, or head."

Lesson 5: "Learn to speak as many languages as possible to learn about killer demons that might be roaming around the countryside for any planet."

Lesson 6: "Carry more than one weapon on you but make sure you can move fast. The small dagger with the curl is good for #&$#$@ and #$!# and #@#&$$#*(<-- note: not swear words but yucky descriptions that I don't think you wanna hear :P) The longer jagged sword with the hole inside is good for catching an opponent's sword inside and twisting it out of their hands. The two ribbon-like fabric can slice into demons like a hot knife through butter or curl around me like a shield."

Lesson 7: "Keep acquaintances to JUST acquaintances unless you have a death wish for them. If you're not careful, demons love to cause you pain by killing any close friends and acquaintances so the less you know, the better it is for you and others."

Lesson 8: "Your base are belong to us." (quote from old badly translated PC game "wing zero" XD)

Lesson 9: "Do your research. Many demon slayers fail here. Know every single detail about your target and employer to avoid stepping into traps that cost you your life or much worse.."

Lesson 10: "Take no prisonner. Kill every enemy demon in the proximity. It won't be too hard to remember who they are. Almost all the demons that will attack you will show their face once. Don't make unnecessary enemies by killing civilians."

And this ends today's lesson XP.


Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y118d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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