Julie Ottosen

workout by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

This is Ethan after a work out.. I wanted to do like him working out... but maybe another time. Action poses are hard.. >>;; That's why his hands and feet are wrapped cuz he's been boxing and doing like kicking and different martial arts and stuff. Cuz he knows all that stuff.. heh. (oddly though, he doesn't remember how he learned it all...)

After thought: Does his chest and shoulders look a little flat? or something? >.o or something? Too thin? Err.. I had just noticed that.. >>;; Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Rough / Concept
21y113d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (13)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 08:26 PM

Wow, Oasis! This rocks! Where'd you learn to draw this well? Just wanted to know, do you do "skeleton" drawings for these, too? Or, are they just drawn as they are seen?

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 09:15 PM

stares open mouthed WOW this is A good piccie wow,wow,wow, one question why are there like bandages or something like that on his feet?? when people work out they wear shoes...well Ethan is diffrent than normal people so yeah...

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 10:02 PM

Um.. can you not read? I explained this in teh description below the picture, why don't you go read it huh? That's what it's there for... -_-;;

thanx for liking my pic

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 09:53 PM

¬¬Ya know, some comments make we wonder if anyone reads the description you put up for your pics. They aren't bandages. When ppl kick box, they have to wrap their feet for some reason Use to know but forgot

This ish a good pic Julie. Meh like ^^ Goes to save it to her pictures' folder I think I have every Ethan pic you've uploaded on here, lol. Meh just like his looks Nods Keep it up sis ^^

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 10:01 PM

I was wondering that myself... I put up the explination on the description so I wouldn't have to tell why it was he wrapped his feet... I mean.. HELLO?

Anyways.. I like this one too.. heh. I believe they wrap they're feet and hands to cushion their blows and protect their skin, cuz if you hit something hard enough bare handed (or footed) you can rip your skin open pretty easily. So yeah.

^^' I might color this one... heh.

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 10:02 PM

Aiye Ethy's a pretty boi =^^= cackles and glomps, chewing on tail

saves in her Ethan file with the rest of the pics of Ethy =3

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 10:45 PM

ooo tis very good ^^ but well... ok, this is actually something i've found on ALL ur guys... the strip of flesh u make to show the ribcage right above the abs.... yes it IS there... but it's not that braod... and welll it makes the pecs too small.... like pecs aren't like... can't think of word... in-line((?????)) with the armpit... they go down more on the body.... but only a bit... Also, some guys actually do have muscle on the rib cage ending....doesn't remember what it's called (the band of flesh) so... yeah.... other then that.... Ethan is looking VERY good

I too used to know why the bandages were neccesary.... but i dunt remember ^^;

I really want to do a mission rp with Ethan and Themos ^^ ((psst, Themos still wants to drive Ethan's car u know. Sure he has a Jag already... but he still wants to drive Ethan's Viper... oooOOOOoo hot carness....)) heheh so yeah... tis all i wanted to say at the moment ^^

mmm...Ethan.... I'm not as obsessed with him as like... Kai or Link...(mmm...Kai and Link.....) but i can see why so many other ppl are ^^ u draw such yummy delishous guys Jules ^^

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 10:58 PM

ok, correction for my last comment thingy... what i think i meant for the upper chest thing... well... his abs and blah are fine... it's mainly the pecs that well... they just seem too small... like if you look at the pec closest to the arm propped up on his knee.... the pec is LOWER then the arm pit... but then u look at the other and... it only comes down just a bit... should be a smidge down more.... not a whole lot... but... well... yeah... and the band of flesh still kinda bugs me... but anyway.... (still think it's too broad...) do also remember there are some guys that don't have it at all... and actally have uscle developed there... I actually expected Kai to have that... but meh... he's still yummy ^^

Posted: Friday, 28 February, 2003 @ 05:55 PM

Yeah, I see it, I know what you mean. I was hoping someone could tell me what was up with it, cuz it just looked funky to me.. and I couldn't figure out what it was. I drew this kinda late in the night anyways.. and that's prolly why.. lol. XD;; Thanx. I did some redlines on it, (like I did on that roxanne piccy) and found out how it's not working, and his ribcage is too wide, I did notice that now.. thanx. ^^

Posted: Friday, 28 February, 2003 @ 08:22 AM

mmmmmmmmmmm he lookd FINE to me hehehehehe drool oh, is he sweatin on his shoulders? drools agen hehe i like the idea bout showin him workin out, how bout him doin a karate kick or summat? does he haf a sparrin partner? that wud be kewl, to show em practicin and all ponders hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Posted: Friday, 28 February, 2003 @ 08:37 AM

sorry about my idiot sister who posted like second or third or something like that her name is Meredith. She doesnt like reading descriptions. Anyway yeah i do think his chest is a little flat idunno it looks pretty good anyway. I love kickboxing its SO fun kinda hard but fun

Posted: Friday, 28 February, 2003 @ 03:00 PM

gasp julie! stop drawing Ethan! he might make some girls leave their boyfriends, you never know. an yes... you might be a lil obsessed... heres what you sould do... draw apples. good wonderful apples. apples arent seckseh like him

Posted: Sunday, 02 March, 2003 @ 06:36 PM

wow you really get the feet and hands down! I can never get that and I connect them into a collective finger. anyway. I do think it looks kind of wierd for his stomach. it looks like he is sucking his stomach in like someone is trying to land a blow there. like to avoid it. but its still realistic despite the fact it doesn't fit the position..

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