Kira Madison

A Grimm Begining...
A Grimm Begining... by @angelicalwing (Kira Madison)

This is Nico aka Sister Grimm from Runaways. It started out as a pencil sketch and then I scanned it and used Photoshop Elements to do the rest. The background is a photograph that was black and white and I played around with layers to change the color. This took a VERY long time to finish (like 8 hours) because I hardly knew how to use the program, but I'm happy with the result! Yay!

Finished Work
20y253d ago
Other Work By @angelicalwing

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 03 November, 2003 @ 08:31 PM

Nice! I like the atmosphere of this pic and how you drew her face and hair. =) The photo bg suits the pic too. When you learn to use Elements better, try shading your pics. It'll give them that extra oomf. ^_^ Nice job all around!

Posted: Saturday, 08 May, 2004 @ 04:32 AM

Eee! Runaways! I adore that comic. XP It's very awesome to see fanart of it up, espiecially one done so nicely. I really like how this turned out. I don't usually like photobackgrounds, but this one I really like; it fits well into the image. The coloring and design of Nico is wonderful, and very remnisant to the comics. Wonderfully done! -Raz

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