Kira Madison

Kaleidoscope Eyes
Kaleidoscope Eyes by @angelicalwing (Kira Madison)

Another Runaways pic, with was done a day after the Nico one. This one is Karolina aka Lucy in the Sky, who is my favorite Runaways character at the moment. This one took a lot less time to finish, as I pretty much figured out the program. She's kind of in mid-transformation here, because I wanted her colorful powers in the pic, but wanted to keep her normal skin! ^^

Finished Work
20y253d ago
Other Work By @angelicalwing

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 08 May, 2004 @ 04:36 AM

Eee, x2. (Raz is easily amused) I likah this one too. She looks very transformy indeed, and there's a deal of perspective going on. Although shadows are always nice with bright lights, this picture doesnt nessisarly lack anything without them. An awesome runaways drawing!....eee XP <3 -Raz

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