Alice L

Happy Birthday Mugen!!
Happy Birthday Mugen!! by @alicl (Alice L)

^^ After much delay, here is Mugen-Chan's birthday presie ^o^ She is one of my bestest friends! And she has the best character designs, so, I drew five of her charas for her :D It was a real bitch to colour nevermind draw and ink, cause there was something really screwed up with my hand, and it hurt like hell whenever I tried to colour. Anyways, I love how Reed's armor's hair came out and the shading on Kasenmon...I think that's their name o.o And yay for colourless blenders!! All characters belong to Mugen, so no touchy!
Happy Birthday ^

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Alice L

Finished Work
21y95d ago
Other Work By @alicl

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 31 March, 2003 @ 04:04 PM

You did this with Copics? It looks like pencils.. shrug So cute! ^o^. I love the poses of the two things with the red eyes & the supercute little wings. ^_^. So gracefull & cool. & The colorfulness! ^--^. This whole pic is just so pritty & colorful. You are so good at drawing cuteness XD it's not faaaiir! ...I sound, like, waaay sugared up or something.. ^^.;;;;;


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