Laura Alexander

No Face is TEH coolness
No Face is TEH coolness by @jetbaby (Laura Alexander)

We wee n_n I did this after seeing teh muuvie cuz No Face is prolly my favorite C from there. I dunnoo why. He's just cool. Even though Haku is hot for a litte kid X3 But anyway if you haven't seen the movie yet then you MUST. GO SEE IT NOW FOR IT KICKS TEH MAJOR BOOTAY. I am done. Enjoy.

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Laura Alexander

Finished Work
21y60d ago
Other Work By @jetbaby

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 11 May, 2003 @ 11:19 PM

That's a really cute pic of Kaonashi (That's his name in Japanses.) I'm glad that there are more No-Face fans like me around ^_^

Posted: Sunday, 18 May, 2003 @ 04:26 PM

Ee! I came to check out your gallery, (I uploaded the first JetBaby picture I did on my DeviantArt account so I came to get the URL of your archive) And I saw this! So I had to comment... I just saw Spirited Away a few days ago --- it wasn't quite like how I thought it would be, but I still loved it!

Yep yep, No-Face rocked... ^^

huggles hiiii!

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