Julie Ottosen

awwwww by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

Guess i ought to upload something to make ya'll happy....

This is Sai and my friend Carmen's lupess Halle. First kiss. Ain't it sweet? ^^;

Halle © Carmen Bugh 2003, Sai © ME! Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Rough / Concept
21y44d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (6)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 08 May, 2003 @ 01:21 PM

Hey, it's been a little while since I've been on side7, so.. yeah, I decided to check out what you had on here. I know I commented on this on DA, but I had to comment again. I just love this picture so much, and I'm so excited about seeing it colored!! Huggles You're such a great artist. When it comes to drawing, you've got me beat by a million miles, especially when it's two antrhos in the smae picture. I can't seem to get that down... Oh well, practice makes perfect, eh? Keep it up!

Posted: Thursday, 08 May, 2003 @ 04:09 PM

JULIE! O_O;; It's been long since i've seen a pic in your gallery.......is evreything ok? =o I like the piccie though! ^_^ I don't like piccies with people kissing with their eyes closed....-.-;;; don't ask me why. Great job, though! :D Goes over to work on her gallery >>;

Posted: Thursday, 08 May, 2003 @ 04:40 PM

Well, It's been great to see a new piccie on the site! Let's see...how many times have I checked this site? Once every day? :P Call me obsessed. Just think you are a great artist, and I haven't commented in a while, so here ya are.

Posted: Thursday, 08 May, 2003 @ 06:30 PM

Julie's got a deviantART account now, that's why she doesn't upload piccies here very often anymore. She's too good for s7 these days ;) lol (only kiddin, of course... would never seriously say anything bad about ya, Julie-bear) The URL, in case anyone hasn't already seen it, is odduckoasis.deviantart.com

But yeah, this is a very nice pic. I'm glad Sai finally found someone who understands him and everything... He was just heartbreaking, because he was so alone... sniff

I really like their postures, how he's leaning over her like that, but also barely touching her. The emotion in their faces is powerful too. hehe I like his hoodie ^^; rips it off him and runs away with it mweee!!

Posted: Thursday, 08 May, 2003 @ 08:51 PM

Awh...i luv Sai (not as much as my own lupes of course...cause that would be sad and pathetic) he is my fav of ur charrys (the anthros one) I am glad he found someone i knew it was going to be Halle i sure lots o ppl knew XD well nice pic...luv his hair and his eyes..ish awesome Julie!

Posted: Friday, 09 May, 2003 @ 01:22 AM

AWWWW!!! YAY!!!! ^_^ hee hee hee! This is AWSOME!!!! I LOVE their expressions... I love this!!!! You shall color!!!! XD! Or I'll attempt to! And thats not pretty XD! You need to upload more ;.; I miss your piccys! This is so cute tho!!! Yays for them!!! ^^

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