Daisy Hunt

Nack/Fang and Malcolm
Nack/Fang and Malcolm by @Lucky_Ladybug66 (Daisy Hunt)

A WIP of Nack the Weasel wandering into Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds' Crash Town and talking to Malcolm. Malcolm is drunk and thinks he's hallucinating three-foot jerboa/weasel crosses. This is from a story I'm doing: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14361561/1/The-Town-At-the-Bottom-of-the-Hill

Haven't drawn Nack since maybe 2009, but I took to it well. I think this is the first time I've really tried drawing him closer to game style instead of my own design. I plan to finish this art and color it, but it may take time since the background is probably rows of liquor bottles and I'm not looking forward to drawing that, lol. So monotonous.

Teen (D)
23d7h ago
Other Work By @Lucky_Ladybug66

Comments & Critiques (5)

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Posted: Monday, 10 June, 2024 @ 01:48 AM
Rating: 5

Welcome back, Daisy! It's good to see you posting here again. I had a feeling that this was your art, just from the tiny thumbnail on my phone. Your style is so recognizeable.

Posted: Monday, 10 June, 2024 @ 02:04 AM

@Cynicallia: Aww, thank you! I decided to put this one here since I have my Nack art here. I mostly use dA. I'm happy to see Side7 has improved a lot, though! I might crosspost both places with all my art in the future.

Posted: Monday, 10 June, 2024 @ 05:01 AM

@Lucky_Ladybug66: Are you staying with dA? I've quit and returned several times, but now that they're selling their "Dreamup" services, I can't bring myself to ever upload my art there again.

Posted: Monday, 10 June, 2024 @ 07:36 AM

@Cynicallia: I'm planning to stay, yeah. I find a lot more of what I want to see on dA than here and I have friends I communicate with mainly on dA.

Posted: Thursday, 20 June, 2024 @ 04:51 PM
Rating: 5

Hey there, welcome back to Side7! :) Hahaha! Ooh, now that funny, that character Malcolm is drunk and thinking he going crazy at see Nack The Weasel! Ooh! ^_^ Say, is that a chaos emerald to the left on Nack?

You'll have to check out my gallery sometime, I have lots of art I'm sure have not seen. I have even done a Chaotix comic script! 

Wow, I just watched your little song about Nack. Wowwe! That's way cool! ^_^ I've got a Nack/Fang plushy too!

I look forward to seeing your art here. Take care.

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