Thea Critza

Chiisai by @theacrit (Thea Critza)

Medium Regular pencil, Le Pen, Jasc Paintshop Pro v. 7.4 Credits Chiisai © me Artists rantings She's a little...crooked...and, as usual, the darker shades got all smished together with the lighter shades when I resized it. How evil. Does anybody know of a way I can keep that from happening or anything? I used layers to color this one to see if it would look better, but it didn't...bleh. Oh yeah, and her hair's crooked. Crazy freak rantings OMG!!! Like, Inuyasha soooooo needs to like, stop thinking about Kikyo. I mean like, totally. LIKE, OMG!!!! "Oh, if I become a full demon, will my heart get stronger too? So I can forget about Kikyo...and never again be lead astray by any woman?" No, it won't, cuz you're stew-pod. Sort of. But Kikyo can never love you, because like she said, "I died hating you...my soul...cannot move from that spot...so long as you are alive, I cannot rest!" Of course, that's not the REAL Kikyo, it is, as Kaede said, "That body is a sham, dragged back to life by an ogre's tricks." Yup, now I'll stop quoting from my IY bookie which I love so much because I'm obsessed with Inuyasha! Yeah. Anyway. This is Chiisai when she's fourteen. Isn't the background messed up? Yes, it is.

Thea is listening to: Change the world by V6 Te wo nobaseba kagayakeru hazu sa Thea is working on: nothing cuz she's lazy

Finished Work
21y155d ago
Other Work By @theacrit

Comments & Critiques (5)

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Posted: Friday, 03 January, 2003 @ 06:08 PM

I love the CG work.

Posted: Friday, 03 January, 2003 @ 09:25 PM

She's so pretty! And you're RIGHT IY does need to get over Kikyou--cuz I don't like her. YES! I KNOW IT'S UNFAIR! I KNOW SHE'S DEAD AND BITTER! BUT I STILL DON'T LIKE HER!!!! ... besides, he has a perfectly nice Kagome just waiting to be hit on...


Posted: Saturday, 04 January, 2003 @ 10:01 AM

The background is nice! Nice and light and pretty ... ^^^ And I love her hair! And her eyes and her sleeves and so forth ...

Posted: Tuesday, 07 January, 2003 @ 10:28 AM

^o^ hohoho she got the sword AND the bow and arrow! XD how koo!! heheh ne ways this is a lovely pic ^__^ love the coloring! and drawing

Posted: Tuesday, 18 February, 2003 @ 12:43 PM

No matter what Inu Yasha says and how much he wishes to release the ability to love from him.. he will still love Kagome and probly still have a place for Kikyo in his heart because true love lasts forever..

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