Thea Critza

Fly! by @theacrit (Thea Critza)

Medium Regular pencil, Le Pen, Kasc Paintshop Pro v.; 7.4 Credits Douglas and Sebastian © Sirius White and Nentari Artists rantings Eghhhh...I sorta tried to sorta do this sorta FY/SM styled....yuck. The coloring is okay, except on the hair, especially Douglas'. (The black-haired one) Crazy freak rantings I'm working on this thingy with a bunch of other artists and people...Sirius and Nentari are writing a Harry Potter fanfic, except it takes place at a different school, and it starts on the day Harry defeated Voldemort. It's very interesting. So me and a bunch of other artists are drawing scenes from each chapter, and this is my scene from chapter one. A bunch of people drew this scene though XD. Mine's probly the worst, but who cares? It was fun to draw. Yay, Pooh's here! huggles Pooh Pooooooh! Pooh poofs Yay, poofie! Pooh lies down Awwwwww, isn't she the cutest kitty ever? squeeze

Thea is listening to: Things I'll never say by Avril Lavigne I'm trying to keep my cool, I know it shows Thea is working on: nothing because Pooh is sitting on top of all her pictures XD

Finished Work
21y180d ago
Other Work By @theacrit

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 07 January, 2003 @ 10:26 AM

i love ur side profile _... side profile is lovely!! heheheheh lol i love the coloring on this too, wut wonderfullness!! XD lol i love the BG... i love all ur pix! :: skipz off::

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