Sounds like fun, I might give it a shot.
Thanks for the comment!
Brandon Ballenger
Pretty interesting what you can do with a few lines, really. There's only four in this image. One in the upper section, one in the lower, and the center is the two layered over one another for another two lines. I like doing things like this when I'm exceedingly bored, usually on 3x5 note cards. They're a good size for it.
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This would make a pretty cool poster, y'know? ^^ I can't explain it, it's just nifty to look at. I'm not very experienced with critiquing abstract work ^^;; I can say that I like the composition -- the sharp contrast on the top & bottom sections balances the color, detail, depth, and visual interest in the middle section. This image would look just as good turned on its side. stares at the middle section .....
Very unique, and fun to look at ^_^
that's some interesting art alright. and your process is very jazzy. i would be very impressed to see you make a portrait of someone with just one or 2 lines.