Well, the original had lines... but I left them on a seperate layer so that I could erase them more easily later.
The Universe is One Song by @lynne (Lynne)
I made this piccy for Basty, cuz it's her birthday today. It's me, and her in her cat form. I got the idea from the picture on one of my tarot cards.. it had a cat and a teeny dragon sniffing noses and the book said it represented that the same idea can have different forms. So my picture here is a play on that. Dragons and cats do have an affinity somehow.. but, I kinda like how it came out. All peaceful. I wish I knew what Bast's kitty form looked like. o_o;
Happy 16th birthday, Bastimoof!
Comments & Critiques (5)
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very nice.. ^^ very nice dragon you are. And very cute kitty.
I'm impressed by your lack of lines in the pic. Must've been really hard to do and I commend you on your effort.