Julie Ottosen

A moment...
A moment... by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

This is a picture drawn by my boo-day Agenza!! I colored it.

(Yes I have her permission to display it).

It's of my boi Ethan and her Jenna. koof she came back for more looks off innocently

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Finished Work
21y165d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (20)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 06 January, 2003 @ 11:31 PM

Totally coolies...my compliments to both artists =)

Posted: Tuesday, 07 January, 2003 @ 02:34 AM

Wow! Me too! Lol! Wonderful drawing and coloring job! ^^ I LOVE it!

Posted: Tuesday, 07 January, 2003 @ 05:39 AM

I luff dis!!I love all your pics!!two thumbs up fer every pic

Posted: Tuesday, 07 January, 2003 @ 05:15 PM

doesnt believe she drew that OMG goot job! lol for anyone who wants to seee this before it was colored, its in my gallery and looks like a big piece o' poopie XD JULIE YOU MADE IT LOOK SO GOOD!! goes to post in her gallery

Posted: Tuesday, 07 January, 2003 @ 08:12 PM

WOW! runs to Ethan and pushes jenna aside he looks soooooooo hot without his sunglasses on...huggles im soooo jelous(didnt spell that right blushes)anyway you both totally rule at drawing and coloring!kisses ethanand like i said...he is sooooo hot! faints in his arms

Posted: Tuesday, 07 January, 2003 @ 10:27 PM

Awsome piccy, Agenza, and Julay. Pretty like >.>

Posted: Saturday, 11 January, 2003 @ 11:52 PM

Ok...does Kitty have a death wish? NO one i repeat NO ONE pushes Jenna. She is MY pet and this is My drawing (and Julies wonderous coloring :3) so Kitty, screw off. kicks Kitty and puts Jenna back

Posted: Sunday, 12 January, 2003 @ 03:06 PM

lol!!! You crack me up girl!! rolls on the floor laughing hehe. guess that should've been fair warning to everyone.. XB No mess w/ Jenna, or Agenza will beat the crap outta ya. ^_~ lol.

Posted: Friday, 17 January, 2003 @ 11:30 PM

Meep!So cool!Julie,awesome job coloring!And Agenza,Wow!I luff it all!You two should combo some more!

Posted: Saturday, 18 January, 2003 @ 03:48 PM

im sorry agenza> ::sniffles:: im sorry jenna ::pats jenna on back gently:: i over react alot...::hits head:: IM SO SORRY!AM I FORGIVIN?PLEASE FORGIVE ME AGENZA!THE PIC IS SO NICE THOUGH ::GLEES AT PIC:: AND ETHAN LOOKS SO HOT!JENNA LOOKS REALLY GOOD!(I'D SAY HOT BUT IM A GIRL AND IT MAY SOUND ODD) XD

Posted: Wednesday, 22 January, 2003 @ 12:12 AM

I'm starting to wonder what the hell is wrong with you? Why do you keep coming onto my gallery and swearing and saying what you do? Why? What is your problem? Don't you have anything better to do with your time? Are you so bored with your life that you can't think of anything to do but come onto my gallery and say things like this.. then turn around and trash me the next day? And the day after that, and the day after that? Can't you just leave me the hell alone? Nasty little buggers like you will get their commupence, you'll see. So leave me the hell alone and get on with your pathetic little moronic life.

Posted: Sunday, 19 January, 2003 @ 02:07 AM

that pic is tight

Posted: Friday, 24 January, 2003 @ 10:18 PM

Anyone who thinks Julie is an a$$ hole or a bad artist is immensely stupid. get a fecking life and stop dissing people for once?

Posted: Sunday, 26 January, 2003 @ 12:02 PM

julie...what are you talking about?...i would never trash your art!i love it all!and i have only commented on this picture!i'd never be mean!what did i do?i think its beautiful!agenza...julie...you both did an awsome job!

Posted: Sunday, 26 January, 2003 @ 03:22 PM

Then either you have a split personality, or someone doesn't like you and is trying to make you look bad. I've gotten numerous comments from someone w/ the alias "kitty" but no email addy left, and they would swear at me and say just not very nice things that I'd have to delete so no one would see them, cuz they're not nice at all. So yeah... that's why I thought it was you, cuz they were yelling, then saying something rude, then acting like they didn't really mean the last post you put about being sorry and such. Someone just being a immature jerk.... ¬¬ Sorry though.. as long as it's really not you.. sorry.

Posted: Tuesday, 28 January, 2003 @ 04:58 PM

i agree somebody is a jerk!but i would never leave a mean comment!i love you art!and i didnt even know you couldnt not leave an email address...and im sorry if i made you think i was being a little obnotious (or however u spell it XD) i just REALLY over react. blushes

Posted: Friday, 31 January, 2003 @ 07:47 PM

Hey, I like I like...her lips look a little big but it is still really good, and what is that black thingy on her chest? ITs driving me mad cause I dunno what it is! @_@

Posted: Friday, 31 January, 2003 @ 08:00 PM

I believe it's a strapless bra. XD

Posted: Friday, 31 January, 2003 @ 07:55 PM

thwacks person who posted bad stuff HOW DARE THO! pulls out bazooka hehe...blows meanie person's head ofF

Posted: Friday, 31 January, 2003 @ 08:03 PM

OH...I new that! stnads proudly on a card board box, I sended you a neomail OAsis21! Check your inbox! SQUEE!!! Sorry Im a little to hyper

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