Samantha Nowinski

"What are YOU looking at?" by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

'Tis Kaden, Rio's son. I was looking on Hottopic.com, which Ric offered as a source to get some neat clothes. I found some that I thought would flow good with Kaden. I gave him that black shirt with a fishnet shirt-type underneathe, a belt, pants (they're supposed to be ALMOST skin type), and the boots--feel the poewr of the boots! Actually, I hate the way I drew his boots. And the scanning messed up his head. The original looks REALLY good, though.

^^; Kaden looks like he's wearing black lipstick. That was a drawing accident.

I notice that I'm drawing eyes like Chris'..T_T I seriously gotta break out of that habit. I hate it when my work looks like someone else's, because I feel like it's not my own, so...yeah. ::Shrugs:: Oh well. I'll keep trying to come up with another style. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Samantha Nowinski

Rough / Concept
21y99d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 19 March, 2003 @ 12:18 PM

Studies the pic Sloppy signature! It's all wrong! >< lol Just kiddin'. From lookin' at my handful of autographed comics, they're suppose ta be sloppy lookin'. It's probably one of the fields I might need ta work on myself. ^^; Anyhow, great pic, and I'm not just saying that because I suggested HotTopics as a clothes references. lol Hell, I actually haven't seen the fishnet type shirt on the site. Been looking for that. =D Getting back on subject, the clothes is NOTHING without the person wearing 'em, right? ^^ And what better person ta give these clothes to than Kaden? Another thing - maybe ya should experiment with giving him lipstick and/or eye liner. Might add to his look. Who knows. I know I'd try. And that about drawing the eyes similar to Chris's stuff, I wouldn't worry about it. Think of it as adopting a part of her style to enhance your's, if ya think they fit your work. I know I wouldn't complain, if ya adopted something off mine. ^__^ When ya come straight down to it, nothing's truely original in one sense or another because everything seems ta be done somehow before. So, chill on that aspect. You're doing good. Now, I shall leave ya with a tired quote for the fun of it. 'Keep up the good work.' lol I actually mean it, though. Chow! Waves

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