Samantha Nowinski

Kaden by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

This is Rio and "Skull"'s only son, Kaden. ^^ isn't he cute? oo he looks angry at something, though...lol Artwork © Copyright 2003 Samantha Nowinski

Finished Work
21y101d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 19 March, 2003 @ 12:34 PM

Just got through commenting on the Kaden pic above. And since I read off his name, it sounds really neat. Kaden, Kaden, Kaden, Kaden, Kaden! ^^ I got a slow go on figure good names for me comic book concept characters, especially the vampire genre types. Anyhow, Kaden has a lot of piercings! @@ I'm not one for multi-piercing, but it seems ta fit here. Try experimenting on different looks for him and other characters. I dunno if anybody agrees with me on this, but I like characters that actually as a variety of outfits. Maybe not a walk-in closet full, but several for a change of look. Tends ta make them out as more as alive than a fixed set of clothes go. Of course, we all know how tough it is ta keep that sorten atmosphere around 'em with clothes changes. Lots of times, they simply don't match up. I think you're doing a good job on it, though. The HotTopics clothes ya gave him in the one above and this set of clothes are really NEAT!!! I especially like this outfit in this pic. Great shirt, fine belt and a kool pair of pants. I wouldn't mind seeing a few more uses of the way you made Kaden's pants here - With the lose pant legs, pockets on the sides, and hanging loose at the bottom instead of being tucked in. Awesome, Sam. Lets see more of your creative workings. <=D Huggles Buh-bye!

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Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.