Julie Ottosen

Should I?
Should I? by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

This is a picture I did I think a few years ago. No, I wasn't suicidle.. but the thought was on my mind after talking to one of my friends about things and how a lot of suicidle ppl have a million thoughts racing through their heads when they're about to kill themselves, justifiying why they should, that's what all those little saying are around this picture. (The scanner cut some of them off, so I put them in again w/ the comp..)

But, I added a reason at the bottom of the picture why NOT to commit suicide.

Because God love you... that is enough reason to keep on living.

Yes, I am a religious person...

I had a family friend commit suicide a few years ago.. let me tell you, those that decide to kill themselves, never actually do realize how much they really meant to their family and friends... if they would only stop to think about it, maybe they would think twice before going through with it....

That's my littls speal for today. I wanted to upload this piccy after recent discussions w/ one of my online friends who will remain anonoymous.

This picture is not meant to offend anyone- but I will admit, I have thought many of those things on occation, but never strong enough to actually kill myself over...

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Julie Young

Teen (V)
Rough / Concept
21y249d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (11)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 01 October, 2002 @ 04:04 PM

God does love use and I agree that's a good reason to keep living.

Posted: Tuesday, 01 October, 2002 @ 04:13 PM

I can really relate to this picture. Being suicidal and depressed myself, I know what it's like to slit my wrist and wonder why I can't die. It's very hard for someone not in that position to understand what it's like. And truthfully, if it wasn't because I have people that care about me, I would be dead right now. I could cut to kill but I don't. And it's not even that I'll spend eternity in a fiery hell, I just don't like making people unhappy. But I guess enough of my little rant. Good piccy. Check out my art. http://www.side7.com/art/kimsova/gallery.html

Posted: Tuesday, 01 October, 2002 @ 04:58 PM

I aint very religious, I kinda have my own religion. (yea, im messed and proud.) The way I see it, my parents are the only people who determine if I'm gonna die or not. They always yell at me, and its starting to get to me. Ai, if you see this before our next chat on msn, bring it up :)

Posted: Wednesday, 02 October, 2002 @ 05:49 PM

Woa... yea.. I've thought about that kinda stuff alot... after all there is no place I really fit in... anyways I like it too, Suicide is the most selfsih thing one can do... but we never understand... kinda reminds me of that story about the book smart kid and the jock and that one day... the one day that the jock was nice to the geek saved his life, and the geek(I should be speaking) went to a good college, thanked that friend and all, and if u think about it, if that dude becomes a doctor he might save a life, or a lawyer, he might save an innocent man... great work! Great.. like always... I envy you throws javelin- only ends up spiking her own foot And yes- I know I know- I'm only 12.. but HEY! I am thirteen in Korea :)

Posted: Wednesday, 02 October, 2002 @ 08:00 PM

Yup, i've thought of suicide myself....when my parents were just an inch away from getting a divorce. I really like this pic, but i don't think of things like that.

Posted: Saturday, 05 October, 2002 @ 04:26 PM

I can relate to that pic. I still dwell on that idea (there have been constant times where I've picked up the little bottles of medicines in our bathroom cabinet). Though I stongly doubt I could go through with it...

Posted: Sunday, 06 October, 2002 @ 10:21 AM

Thats really sad but whoahhhhh...Does it say "Im fat"!?!

Posted: Tuesday, 08 October, 2002 @ 10:44 PM

even though i'm not a religois person i still love this picture. but what is she holding?

Posted: Wednesday, 23 October, 2002 @ 07:22 PM

I've been in that possition... Even RECENTLY I've thought about it... (I just switched to a Christian school and I don't fit in) So, yeah... 'Nuff said.

Posted: Friday, 14 February, 2003 @ 09:45 PM

Yesh, I am very religious^^ Roman Catholic, to be exact...

I think that suicide is the most unforgiveable sin there is. It hurts your family and friends, most of all... (wow, I'm starting to get corny... better stop now... O.O)

You know, there was one time when I considered suicide. I had a virus and had been throwing up all night. Of course, I was half-delirious, so it's no wonder the thought crept into my mind, lol! I would never actually suicide, though. Especially after seeing that movie, "What Dreams May Come". That movie was awesome... spooky, but awesome... I highly reccomend it. Gotta go, see ya guys later!

Posted: Tuesday, 25 March, 2003 @ 10:53 PM

Yea, many of those thoughts frequently run through my head. But I've got way too much going for me to give it all up like that, and I wouldn't have the guts to do it anyways! So anyshmoo...very deep and lovely pic Julie. Really makes you think. =3

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