Julie Ottosen

intrigued.. by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

from a rp. This is my Sai and my friend Carmen's Halle. He had just previously to this scene changed into a monster and killed about 5 guys that were trying to beat him up. Then he took off as he was about to change back, and Halle came over, finding him, and gave him her cape to cover him, and then talking a little, he showed her his arm, showing his need to hide from the world... To know more about halle, visit Carmen Bugh's gallery. ^^;

Halle © Carmen Bugh 2003 Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Rough / Concept
21y55d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (10)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 13 April, 2003 @ 10:19 PM

I love how you draw scenes from RPs. You draw them just like I imagine them, lol. Meh, I think they get along good, considering they're a lot alike, which is a surprise to Halle Oo;;; Anywho, can I color this one? I just feel like coloring... not drawing, lol ^^ I thought it was kinda funny that we drew the same scene too ^^;;; I'll leave ya alone now, lol.

Posted: Sunday, 13 April, 2003 @ 10:48 PM

Hello...<.<...>.>' Ok. Good. No cops are here. KOFF I like da picture. His scales kinda freaked me out a little, but i'm a wimp...I mean...Really. I think I have some good news...I'll be opening a gallery of my own very,very,very soon. ^^' Why, to get insulted like I normally do in life. >.>'..... ..' So, yah...neatness...Twitches, and continues to work on her comic books >o

Posted: Sunday, 13 April, 2003 @ 11:48 PM

wundurful piccie! me likes lots!

Now, on a serious note koff, I think this pic should be colored. Just wondering, which adobe version do you have? I have #5....and this is irrelevant to the topic, but how do you get your pictures (When they're finished) their outline? I can only outline jiggawot-style....

Posted: Monday, 14 April, 2003 @ 12:45 AM

It ok Sai...we know you didnt mean to...^^ cool pic u never did color his monster form but i am sure u gots lots of do (i mean everyone is so busy nowadays) Aww i luv Sai...why...dunno?? but cool pic!! ^_^

Posted: Monday, 14 April, 2003 @ 01:35 AM

Awww!!!Another good one like always!!did you know you inspired me with your artwork??without you i would have thorn all my artwork away!!!I really love all of your work!!keep up the good work like always!!!!!o^.^o

Posted: Monday, 14 April, 2003 @ 03:03 AM

Wowzers Julie. I've always had an obsession with Sai ^^ I can imagine how good it feels to let go of his secret for once in his life. It sorta looks like that Halle has six fingers but I think that's just me being blind or ignorant. But I do love this picture. I think you don't post up enough pics of Sai ;.; It would be interesting to find out more about his childlife... like who his parents were, or ancestors, or is he ever 'morphed' when he was young. I dunno. XP

Posted: Monday, 14 April, 2003 @ 08:12 AM

AWWWWW!!! OH wow! This picture was beautifully drawn! I dunno what it is about it... But something makes it seem... so real. You can feel whats going on its amazing!!! You should color this!!! nods ^_^

Posted: Monday, 14 April, 2003 @ 08:48 AM

WOW, nice, hope you colour it, hum, will you make pics of Sai blowing up those 5 guys? cause I would find that really cool (^_^) anyway, it's good!

Posted: Wednesday, 16 April, 2003 @ 10:19 PM

Hey, what happened to his pony tail brade thingy? Or is that somebody else?

Posted: Thursday, 17 April, 2003 @ 12:58 PM

No, he never had a braid ponytail thing, that was Chi.

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