Bridgette Berry

More Human Than Human
More Human Than Human by @idgiebay (Bridgette Berry)

meeehhh.. the only explanation I have for this is that I was listening to "More Human Than Human" by White Zombie and suddenly wondered how Zim would like dressed like... well... this. o.o

yeeep, that is all.

Finished Work
21y2d ago
Other Work By @idgiebay

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 07 June, 2003 @ 09:49 PM

ROFL! aw man, I litterally did just laugh out loud when this loaded - and besides it being funny it's also an incredibly good look for him, very sexy. Man your art just does keep getting better and better

Posted: Sunday, 08 June, 2003 @ 01:27 AM

OMG! O.O I absolutely LOVE Zim!! YOU'RE THE MOST AWESOME PERSON IN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW FOR DRAWING SOMETHING...THIS AWESEOME! O_O It kicks so much a*!!! Dude, this rulez! ^~ Do a dib one next!! I dunno...Just keep doing Invader Zim pics! You can draw them so good! I await to see your next Invader Zim pic!!! I know it's gonna rock hard! ^^ *giggles

Posted: Sunday, 08 June, 2003 @ 01:43 AM

...You...are the greatest person.. in the world! o__o; You're drawings KICK A*! And um...Hey, I know I don't know you or anything..caugh* But um...I was wondering..>.>; If you'd do me a favor. Dez, (the girl that just posted) has her birthday comming up soon, and I was wondering if you'd do something special for her. :) Will you do a Invader Zim fanchar. for her? It's kinda..her. She has blonde curly hair that comes to about right above her sholders, she wears a black long coat...kinda like dib's only more feminine...and um...her eyes are like..light crystal blue. She wears boots ALL the time....like high-healed n such..yeah. She has these glove things..that are kinda like Zim's accept..without the spikes n such. She loves her shirt that says 'worship me' on it and it has a cat face above that that's like..devilish with a tiara on. It's white with red around the color, and the bottom. She either wears pants or a skirt, whichever you think would be best, (that is..if you decide to do this for her. ~.~; ) See, her birthday is on Wednesday of next week..AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO GET HER! O.O; so..I was hoping that you might help me out there..PLEASE!? begs :( You draw soooo good n such..>.>; I don't think there'd be anybody else here that could do it. ~.~;

Posted: Monday, 09 June, 2003 @ 03:38 AM

I LOVE THIS PIC!!! it combines 2 of my favorite things, invader zim and that kinda heavy metal music. (don't know what type of music that is. thats what i think it is.) now i've gone through your archive several times and you're one of my favorite artists. i was wondering if you could do something similar to this picture only a different character and instead of white zombie mybe something from rob zombie. the songs from him i was thinking are like dragula or superbeast. well please let me know if you like my idea. e-mail is clowcorp_armada@hotmail.com (i don't know if its displayed for you above)

Posted: Wednesday, 25 June, 2003 @ 04:40 PM

WOOO! I agree, Sezzy. I love it hehehe! He should dress like that all the time. XD

~Raven Shadow "The world was our burrito"~Albuquerque, Weird Al Yankovic

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