Bridgette Berry

Nightcrawler gothic crap
Nightcrawler gothic crap by @idgiebay (Bridgette Berry)

pastes desc from DA

Whyyyy do things never turn out as I envision them? WHYYY? #!@$!srewq3

meh.. anyway.. still trying new coloring techniques.. I think I'm getting a little better at clothing folds.. umm.. damn, Kurt's one skinny little mofo. Had a hard time with that, and I STILL don't think he's thin enough.

I had a nice rocky wall background to go with this, but it drew too much away from the character, so I stuck one of my cheap "omg it took like ten seconds" backdrops in there, obviously.

Why did I draw this? I don't know. I like gothic clothing and I like Evo!Nightcrawler, so there ya go. I'll probably do Toad next. ph33r m3 > 3

wonders if she will ever draw anything with substance again

Finished Work
21y4d ago
Other Work By @idgiebay

Comments & Critiques (10)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 28 June, 2003 @ 05:54 PM

O.O OMG!!o.o..omg omg! this has to be the BEST Nightcrawler pic I HAVE EVER SEEEEEEN!O.O nooo seriously! the gothic clothes goes perfect with him...o.o my god i like this!X3 and yes! gothic clothes is yummy XD

Posted: Saturday, 28 June, 2003 @ 06:17 PM

Nice work. He almost looks like a priest in that pic. Or a monk. I'm kinda disapointed they completely ignored that part of his character in the show... ...In any case, impressively on-model.

Posted: Saturday, 28 June, 2003 @ 09:32 PM

I LOVE YOU! My god, yes. YES. nightygothic. YES. Ok..I'm done now. AWWWWGH GOD he is hot.

yessss. gooood job. :D


Posted: Saturday, 28 June, 2003 @ 09:32 PM

I LOVE YOU! My god, yes. YES. nightygothic. YES. Ok..I'm done now. AWWWWGH GOD he is hot.

yessss. gooood job. :D


Posted: Saturday, 28 June, 2003 @ 10:10 PM

Oh, sezzy! He looks good enough to eat up! ^.^ And I'm not even one of his rabid fangirls... But I am one of Todd's rabid fangirls, so please do him soon! =) You draw so well!

Posted: Monday, 30 June, 2003 @ 05:18 PM

Blimey!! That totally rox! I've never thought of a goth Kurt before, its a neat idea! Yeah I agree he is skinny. I had a prob with my latest Kurt pic....I feel I didn't do him skinny enough in it. Oh well. He looks fine in this pic as far as his body shape is concerned though ^_^ Keep up da gr8t work! I'll keep a look out for Toad! is a Kurt fanatic nyahhahaha!!


Posted: Tuesday, 01 July, 2003 @ 11:33 AM

I have only two words to say, KICK A**!! ^_^

Posted: Thursday, 03 July, 2003 @ 11:29 AM

Very, very, very cool pic!! I love his outfit, it kicks @ss! Also, I just -adore- Kurt's eyes (including the lovely eyeshadow)...Just something about that stare...so sexy! Keep up the outstanding work!


Posted: Thursday, 03 July, 2003 @ 04:33 PM

O_O drools like a moron Daarhhrahhh.... Iii ...Yyyyyeeeeeee.....YyYYYEEEEEEEEEEE!!! kIinlkdannooa.........OooooooooOooooooh..... (when finally, words form) Don't touch me. O.O; I think I'm having an orgazm......OooOoooohhh..Ahhh.... H-h-hahhhhhhtt! o__o gulps, then drools some more So hot.. want to touch the hiney..(quote, billy madison. XD)

(In other words...YOU......KICK TO THE ASS POWER! Bu-uuuuuuuudy! ^_^ )

Posted: Monday, 11 August, 2003 @ 12:49 AM

IDGIE!!! I found ya!! :D ~Pounces~ I already told ya how much I liked this pic over at DA. Well guess what? If I can figure out how to stalk you on here your as good as stalked! :) Later!


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