Julie Ottosen

Twue Wuff
Twue Wuff by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)


This is a piccy of Tinello's daughter Tea and her love Howler. Ain't it sweet? ^^

((I fixed the spelling mistake on Howler's name. Why no one tell me these things before?! lol!))

PS- her name is pronounced TIA, like Mia... XD Her full name is Parintea. So.. yeah...

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Julie Young

Finished Work
21y231d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (13)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 12 October, 2002 @ 01:54 PM

This is co cute.I wish could Draw like you.

Posted: Saturday, 12 October, 2002 @ 03:40 PM

omg! this is sweet! i love the pose and everything! i like how his wings burn and stuff. your art is perfect in everyway!

Posted: Saturday, 12 October, 2002 @ 04:55 PM

Yall All Trying To Steal My Bf pushes them All Out the way UR MINE AND ONLY MiNE.......LETS GO HAVE SOME "TEA" XP It Will Be tealicious throws tea out da way lets go add some sugar to this tea XP hits all of them tea bags

Posted: Saturday, 12 October, 2002 @ 09:24 PM

can't stop "awww"ing this is soooo cute! When did she get wings? I LOVE how you made the fire on his wings n stuff! This is just too awsome! ^^ I woof it! :)

Posted: Sunday, 13 October, 2002 @ 05:20 AM

I like it...what art program do u use and how did ya get it?

Posted: Sunday, 13 October, 2002 @ 08:10 AM

YAAAAAY! Oasis, this is 50 times better then any of my pictures of Howler and Tea. If anyone wants to know, those wings Tea has were a gift from Howler. Howler:Stares in awe at the picture You have truly captured Tea's beauty. Continues to stare

Posted: Sunday, 13 October, 2002 @ 10:42 AM

Aww, that's sooo cute!! I like Howler's wings. I like they'ir expressions..I LIKE EVERYTHING!! MWUAHAHA!! ahem Aniways, great picci! =D

Posted: Sunday, 13 October, 2002 @ 12:13 PM

Again, if anyone wants to know, Howler's full name is Howler3380.

Posted: Friday, 18 October, 2002 @ 09:52 PM

Uh, Julie, I dun mean to make ye look bad, but on the piccy, you spelled Howler's name wrong.. lol. It is a very kool piccy though ^^ Keep up the good work!

Posted: Saturday, 19 October, 2002 @ 08:53 AM

Wow... That's awesome! She looks so, well, PRETTY! u.u; Gawd, my friends sometimes bug me about my pics, but thankoo Julie, at least I'm not raided (as bad as I was) anymore. KEWL PIC!

Jason: Wow...that's cool. runs of to go to Randi's house

Posted: Saturday, 23 November, 2002 @ 01:38 PM

WOW!!!!!! You draw the best pictures!! THIS ONES IS ONE OF MY FAVES wont shut upcough well that enough lol! I LOOOVE IT!

Posted: Monday, 23 December, 2002 @ 06:09 AM

jes pointing this out but Tea's wings look like they are both comeing out of her right side...

Posted: Sunday, 16 February, 2003 @ 09:40 PM

AWESOME!!!! how do u color your pics? how do u make the shadows?? how do u make the gradients??? i reeeeeaaaallly want to know..XD

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