Julie Ottosen

Hawaiian Lupess
Hawaiian Lupess by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

This is my newest anthro character. I decided to make another one cuz I don't have many girls- well, okay, I have like 5, but 3 of em are under 15.. lol! So, I wanted to make an older one. Her name, as you can see on the picture is Liliukalni (Lee-lee-oo-kal-knee) Or, Li for short. ^^ I was trying to think of a new character and having some difficultly getting off of the punk/goth thing, and I looked up and saw this doll I have that's in hawaiian luau dress and I was like "YES!!" and this is how Li came to be! Woohoo!! She's about 23 in human years. =D

Whattya think? =^.^=

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Julie Young

Finished Work
21y340d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (13)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 15 July, 2002 @ 10:48 PM

Ooh! Sexy chica~! Me LIKE! SHe all muscular too! Rock on!

Posted: Friday, 01 November, 2002 @ 05:26 PM

Do you honestly think she'd look as good bald? That's more creepy to me than hair!! Oiy.. how can they not have hair? What's the fun in that? If I wanted her to not have hair... she wouldn't be anthro...

But yeah.. thanx for the comment. ^^

Posted: Monday, 22 July, 2002 @ 03:42 AM

Dammit! You're amazing yet again, Julie. The anatomy is top notch, and you seem to capture different.. races in your characters though they are all Lupes. I'm admiring your patience in manual inking on Adobe and just.. adore everything. love

Posted: Monday, 22 July, 2002 @ 11:01 AM

WOW! i really wanna learn how to use adobe, but i'm caught up with school work and such. I really like how you did her hair. Kinda reminds me of my own, but it's a little shorter.Arghh, i can't take it anymore! Your art Rocks! Aloha!

Posted: Friday, 02 August, 2002 @ 11:13 PM

ooh! this is a great pic! everything is, like, perfect. i have a cousin in hawaii ^^. Living in southern cal. by the beach, i love the surfboard and the outfit. i love the hair and how the eyes make her look hawaiian. The anatomy and the shading (stuff i need to work on) are wonderful. this is a great pic!

Posted: Monday, 05 August, 2002 @ 01:02 PM

I think the human Neopets are ugly! Stick with the real Neopets!

Posted: Friday, 01 November, 2002 @ 05:23 PM

Is it tackful to say "Bite me"? No? Oh well...

So.. Bite me! =P

To everyone else: I love anthros. I actually have a comic book that the characters are anthro. Anthro is humanoid if you didn't know... lol.

Anyways.. thanx for your useless comment though.. I'll just keep it up for everyone else to see. Cuz I love idiots.. it's fun to meet folk like yourself.. w/ nothing useful to say. Thanx for that. How can you hate anthros? huggles all her anthro charries.. cept Kai.. cuz he's just scary hehe.

Oh.. one last thing: =P

Posted: Friday, 23 August, 2002 @ 03:50 PM

This is my absolute FAVE! The tail is a bit big, but otherwise, HOW THE HECK!!! :) Wanna be surfin's again!!!<:|

Posted: Tuesday, 27 August, 2002 @ 05:12 PM

DAM!!!you are a good artist!!I can draw good but not that good.Do you have to buy adobe of sompin...........PUBLIC ANNOUCMENT........Anyone who think these picz are bad should just lay off, I mean do you know how much time she spends on these.Jealousy is not a good thing.......Again your pictures are awesome!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sunday, 29 September, 2002 @ 08:55 AM

You are a really wonderfull artist, when your older you should become one. i saw you L*U*P*E Blue stuff, but your drawings now are wonderful. if i had a award page, i'd make you a award. I'm sorry to sound redundant but i can't get over this, your drawings and ideas are magnificent!!!

Posted: Friday, 01 November, 2002 @ 05:21 PM

I love that.. when I'm older.. hehe.. anyways.. thanx. I do plan on trying to break into animation for like Disney or Dreamworks. That's my ultimate goal. ^^

Posted: Sunday, 27 October, 2002 @ 12:58 AM

This pic is sooo kool! I luve how u did her look...I wish I was u..XD

Posted: Sunday, 29 December, 2002 @ 03:59 PM

This is one of my fave pics! I have always wanted to go to Hawaii! ^^ Mesa luff it!

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