
Art Fight 2024 moment
Art Fight 2024 moment by @Raccoon_Boomie (Boomie)

So uh, sorry for dying all month but guess what! It's getting around that time! Art Fight time! Uuh, idk how to make cool promo stuff so this is what you're getting. Anyway, I'm on team Seafoam because I want to eat it- uh, I mean, I have a soft spot for the ocean.
Aaaand characters from left to right, Lucy... and other Lucy (context on their profiles-)! Shawn, who doesn't want to be here! Gyce balancing a cup of water on their head, as the Apprentice and Spool of Yarn watch on in awe.

Attack me if you'd like! 

Finished Work
2d21h ago
Other Work By @Raccoon_Boomie
In These Portfolios

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