Tare Fortier

Sesshoumaru Basking
Sesshoumaru Basking by @twinblades (Tare Fortier)

portrays Sesshoumaru of Inu Yasha I am very happy with how this came out

much hard work lol, but it was worth it

inu yasha, sesshoumaru © Rumiko Takahashi

Finished Work
19y240d ago
Other Work By @twinblades

Comments & Critiques (6)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 03 November, 2004 @ 03:24 PM

good pic of Sesshomaru but you must practice in the face lines and in the body proportions...good work!

Posted: Wednesday, 03 November, 2004 @ 03:33 PM

thank you for your comment but what do you mean? I'm afraid I am confused

Posted: Wednesday, 03 November, 2004 @ 03:59 PM

You really did well on this, although i think his face is a little less round then what you portrayed it, but I may be wrong.

you did a good job getting all the details of his clothes in.

Posted: Wednesday, 03 November, 2004 @ 04:18 PM

well my style is thicker than Rumiko's :)

Posted: Wednesday, 03 November, 2004 @ 07:32 PM

I LOVE the way you made the clothes turn out, and you used very little shading which makes it look nice and simple and unified. a background would have been nice though. or at least something for him to be sitting on at least :P like a rock or something. The round face does look a bit strange, but then again, it's you're style. no one can expect to get it straight from the show anyway :P I know I can't. besides, you make it work. nice work!

Posted: Thursday, 04 November, 2004 @ 10:24 AM

hehe sweatdrop yes I know, I need more backgrounds I'm terrible with them as I upload a few more, I think they start to have backgrounds... lol in all their awful glory

yeah, he has a rounder face I have a thicker, plumper style, but I am trying to correct that, as I don't even like it ^_^;

if you'd be interested you can check out a friend's site, she gets Rumiko's style pretty close amazing artist ^_^ http://druihd.staze.org/

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