Julie Ottosen

Fallen Goddess
Fallen Goddess by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

This is my newest character Shineahah. XD She's a Goddess that came down to 'earth' to be with a mortal she fell in love with, but he ended up leaving her... she still retains her god like powers, and immortality, but she can't go back to live with the other gods and such like that. She's also Indian (Native American). I'm not sure if the name Shineahah is a very Indian name, but it's a pretty name. It comes from the bible and one of my friends was also named that. XD

But yeah.. heh. I like this piccy. ^^

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Julie Young

Finished Work
21y266d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (9)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 28 September, 2002 @ 03:44 PM

WOW how can u draw so good?!Shes beautiful,kinda skinny though but thats ok by drawings turn out skinny to lol

Posted: Sunday, 29 September, 2002 @ 07:49 AM

I like this one. I like the detail you've given her, her skirt looks life-like, and just her very pose is beauitful, and LOVE the hair too. (woo! go long hair!) She really looks like a goddess ^.^

Posted: Monday, 30 September, 2002 @ 06:22 PM

Good Lord! I wish I had even just 1/3 of your coloring skills! XD lol! Great job on this! Wishes Had her drawing skills as well XDXDXDXD

Posted: Wednesday, 02 October, 2002 @ 01:18 PM

I like her tattoos, her belt and the line of beads in her hair. Ish mesmerized by the pic

Posted: Wednesday, 02 October, 2002 @ 09:26 PM

wow! She is so pretty. She reminds me of shakira, I dunno why but I feel like she's just gunna jump right out of the picture and start bellydancing!

Posted: Thursday, 03 October, 2002 @ 12:41 AM

Wow, she's pretty! She has pretty hair, it looks really real and shiny!

Posted: Tuesday, 08 October, 2002 @ 10:51 PM

geewhilligers! amazing! I luff this so much Oasis! I luff the coloring (of course its perfect) and the skirt, and the hair, and the tail...lol, i luff everything...Mwahaha!

I now have a sudden urge to buy Oh My Goddess mangas... lol!

Posted: Saturday, 12 October, 2002 @ 08:58 AM

I love the drawing! You will become a famous artist known all over the world! I'm part indian so this is a drawing that I think is spiritual, and drawn out of the kindness of your heart! This drawing means soooooo much to me, even though you didn't give it to me I still think you are a great person!

Posted: Sunday, 27 October, 2002 @ 12:43 AM

This is so breathtaking! It's beautiful! I can't think of anything else to say... I wish my anthros and all my furries turned out as good as yours do, mine look like drunk oompa loompas. 0o clings to picca

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